Chapter 17

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Sirisha was reading book.Lost deeply.Advay pacing around room.He was waiting for an opportunity.Few days passed since function.He wasnt liking.How Sirisha and Vicky were getting close.He couldnt forget.View he saw that morning.Vicky leaving her room.With his shirt half unbuttoned.He sensed they spent night together.Had to do something before its late.He fumed from inside.Looking for chance.

A-"Siri I was thinking.We plan some outing.

So bored.Sitting at home."

Vicky dropped in.Bringing smile on Sirisha's face.She took plate of fruits.From him.He smirked at Advay.Sat beside Sirisha.Taking her book.Checking it.Advay glared at him.He touched Sirisha's hand.She wasnt comfortable.Vicky saw that.

A-"If you say yes.I can talk with Uncle.He has gone.

Out for few days.For work."

V-"Dont think its good idea.Sirisha needs to rest.

She is in her last month.Anything can happen."

A-"Still has month to go.Please let her.

Take decision."

S-"Advay he is right.I dont want to take.

Risk.Im fine here."

Advay left room.Glaring at Vicky.Who munched on fruits.Grinning at him.He shifted to Sirisha.None of them questioned.Each other.After that night.They had alot in mind.Thought its better.To keep it like that.Vicky felt peace.Some sort of.After claiming her as his.he didnt knew why.Sirisha felt same.she couldnt figure out.Why she feels comfortable.Around Vicky and his touch.Doesnt feel same with Advay.

V-"Love story.This sounds fishy.

I thought.You dont read."

Sirisha took book from him

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Sirisha took book from him.Trying to act.Nervous.She bit her lips.Vicky raised his brows.he smirked.

S-"Bad habit.Shouldnt touch others things.

Without permission."

V-"Okay sorry.Tell me something.

Free this evening?"

S-"Why?Another dinner plan.

Which went haywire.Last time."

She remembered.He wanted to take her for dinner.Without reservation.They went to few restaurants.All booked.Had to return home.Have food cooked by Jwala Mama.Vicky's face.Was down.She had fun teasing him.

V-"Hey I wont repeat mistake.Give me chance.

Must be bored.Eating same food.Me too.

Mama also went.For some work.Will be back in days.Im bored."

S-"Okay fine.Lets go.But.Advay.

He will be alone."

V-"Im not taking.Joker with me.

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