Chapter 14

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Sirisha was sitting on her room.Silently with photo frame on hand.Harish entered and found her.In deep silence.She wasnt crying.Her face made him feel bad.He wished to be with her.Whatever was happening.Was for her good.She will take time.To understand some day.

H-"Your mother was beautiful.A little less than you."

Harish smiled faintly.At his daughter.Who felt his presence.Kept frame away.Not meeting his eyes.She has been sitting.Like this from time.They came back.Sirisha wasnt happy.With direction she chose.She had no other way.She couldnt express her anger on anyone.Be it her father.Her unborn baby.The man who was.Making it difficult for her.

H-"Sirisha dont take it to heart.

You must not hold grudges.Against your own self.Its ok.Part of life.

It happens.Im sure something would come out.Let it begin."

S-"Still think I would

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S-"Still think I would.Have future with Vicky.

Dad.What do you see.On him.Would you have chosen.Guy like him.

For your daughter?"

H-"No.Maybe yes.But circumstances are different.

You cannot compare.Ive always advised you.To judge person.

Basis of how they are.Try to know him first.Im not forcing you either."

S-"I dont want to.Dad something.Makes me.

Feel so cringeworthy.With all this.I cant take this.Stand him."

H-"Why is that so.You are adult now.I cant share.

Ask a lot of things.But Im your mother as well.Can share it with me.

If something is bothering you."

Sirisha hugged her father.Hiding her face.In his shoulders.Like she used to.In childhood.She missed those days.It was also better.Life she was leading.Till Vicky came.Confrontation happened.She didnt knew reason.Why she wasnt liking anything.Had no reason to dislike him.They werent like ice and fire.Something was a miss.Harish hoped.They would find that missing.Point.

N-"Jwala.You are going with him.Im not liking this.

At all.But have to let it happen.Wish things wouldnt have.Turned out like that.

Wished to get daughter in law.Wife for Vicky.See how he is going."

Jwala yawned.Checking on luggage taken inside car.Vicky was playing.With his phone.He scratched his head.Then touched Naren's shoulder.Now he knew why Vicky.Felt bored of his lectures.

J-"Bava dont worry.I will take care of him.You know.

Our plan is going to be.Successful.I will make sure."

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