A new tursday part 2

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Charlottes POV


I pushed myself quickly off of him and the floor.i then begin grabbing my books and his,then helping him off the ground.

As I was giving his books back I had gotten a glance of his face.He looked at me with a sweet smile and he was blushing to for some reason.

I was still blushing.so i quickly said "I'm SOO sorry!" While putting my head down, Than I ran to my class.He looked surprised then he smiled again as he walked away.

I didn't notice but Sofie was watching in discuss because I think she got jealous.

Zoe's POV

Charlotte stopped so I can get ahead I ran past her thinking she would be behind me.

I ran until I got into the door way.i didn't hear Charlotte but then I herd a loud thud I wanted to go and see what happen but teacher was giving role call so I walked in and thought that char was going to be ok...

Charlotte POV

I ran into the class and quickly and sat next to Zoe my head looking down at my desk the class and teacher didn't really care Zoe look at me at said "what happen back there, I ran in the class room and behind me I herd a big tump and I didn't here your feet anymore!" She said with a worried face (agin).i just kept my face looking down until my face stopped blushing.

i look at her slowly and whisper yelled "I ran into that guy!"."you mean Tyler?" She whispered."yeah"I said.she just looked at the teacher and looked back at me and said "we'll finished this at lunch!"still whispering.i nodded and try to get caught up with the class.


I looked over where me and Zoe usually sat at as I was picking out my lunch.I took a turkey sandwich,

smoothly ,a sliced orange and a cookie.

I looked over where we sat and already Zoe was there!I didn't know how I didn't see her pass by.but I just shrugged and went to sit by her.she smiled at me then we talked about are day as I ate my sandwich and orange slices.i was nibbling on my cookie until Zoe stared to asked about what happen this morning.

Then I bit down hard on my cookie causing me to bite my tongue it stared to bleed a little but I didn't worried about it to much.

Zoe stared to panic grabbing me a napkin and gave me ice cold water.it helped.

I thought its funny how she freaks out over little things.ha ha...

when I my tongue felt better I told her every thing but I had to look down to let her not see me blushing as I told the story.

She just sat there giggling as I told the story.i then said loud "ITS NOT FUNNY...!"as I blushed.

She said "I'm sorry. It's kind of funny" while biting her finger from not to giggle.

"I'll get some info about him and tell you after school." She said with a smile.

I calmed down and said "thx Zoe..."

Tyler's POV---

----Before Charlotte was at the lockers----

I -Sigh- as I walked down the hall with girls surrounding me asking a lot of questions.I was tired of this.

I know that this is every high school boys dream but it was a nightmare for me because I just want to be alone and not be with anyone.

As I was still walking down the hall I had a flash back of why I didn't like my popularly or be with anyone. (flash back)when I nine I met this girl on a beach she had long brown hair with dark brown eyes.she was by her self drawing in the sand while humming under the sea from little mermaid.she didn't mined not being by anyone,it showed on her face,she was smiling.i walked behind her and looked over her shoulder to see what she was drawing,it was a stick man of her self holding a daisy in her left hand.

when she notice I was looking at her.i didn't know what she would do when she looked at me so I braced my self because mostly girls would get mad and hit me or cry but she just stared for a while and then smiled."do you like my drawing?"I was shocked she didn't do those things I said but I replied" uh y...yeah..." "Thank you!" She said before standing up she was two inches taller than me but I didn't mind because she...she was beautiful!

she glowed in the sun with her gorges hair flowing in the sun and her innocent eyes and the most important part of her was her...smile...

My flash back was interrupted by this girl with blond hair and a belly showing tanktop with a mini skirt and black high heels,and not forgetting her lot of amount of make up.

She was the mostly the most sexy girl in the school.

she walked over to me and said in a,I guess a attractive voice? "Hey." While sucking a lollipop.she made me uncomfortable.

So I rejected her by saying "um I have to go."I could tell se was trying to hook up.i just rushed to the bathroom to get the hell out of there.until I got greeted by my only friend I liked.his name was Jacob.

"What's up bro!"he said while he hit me hard on the back causing me to get knocked out of breath.

"What did I say about the hitting!"I yelled while rubbing my back and deep breathing.

"Sorry bro...I just wanted to see how you were doing!"

"Well I'm be attack by girls and I have to class."

"Cool bro I'll be going then" he walked away until he stopped in his tracks."WHO ARE YOU TAKING TO THE DANCE!"he yelled as he turned around.

"DUDE,calm down first and second of all IDK but a lot girls want to take me though.""then why don't you go with one of them?"

"Well I made a promise with to some one that I will take them...SO DOSE THAT AWNSER IT?"

"yup and WHO IS IT?" He said excited.

"I don't kno...I MEAN IM NOT TELLING YOU SO BYE!"I yelled as I stormed out and stared to go to my locker.

The girls from earlier found me and continued to talk to me again.then it remind me of my flash back so I continued... was her smile.she gave me a daisy and asked "do you wanna be friends?" "S..sure..."

After I said that her face lit up like a fire fly.she took hold of my hand and took me underneath the beach dock and showed me a rusty lunch box that was under a rock.she open it and asked "what's your favorite color?""y...yellow." I replied."wow you sturdier a lot!" As she dig through box."HEY!"I yelled while blushing.

"Ha ha. Here you go!"she gave me a soft leather rope tied bracelet with a bright yellow rock and a daisy bead in middle.she rapped one like mine around her wrist but it had a purple rock.i had a hard time getting mine rapped so she rapped it for me.after that she took me all over the beach.we had ice cream and found so many things(we put them in the lunch box and put it back).

It was night.we were looking at the moon while sitting on the dock with are legs hanging out.then I stared to blush when I realized her hand was on mine.she look at me and smiled and I smiled back...

I was interrupted(agian) by me running into my locker.I covered my forehead with my hand to cover the pain.girls got worked up and worried I said I'm okay but it took about 6mins until they were sure.

I open my locker and begin to take the stuff I needed and kissed the bracelet with the yellow rock bead that was hanging in my locker(no one knew about the bracelet.then that girl from earlier walked to me and did the thing she did earlier to me.I just ignored and reject her again.

I shut my locker then I began to walk to my class I stared to run faster and faster to get away from these girls and popularly then the bell rang.i then realized I took a wrong turn going to class and I was already late.so I turned around the ran the fastest way to my class.right when I got to the end of the hall all I remember there was a (CRASH)!

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