Chapter Five

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"Beautiful name for a beautiful woman." Why does he have to be so handsome? Seriously, what is Vegas pumping into their water here?

"Blade. Is that like some kind of stage name?" I ask, giggling.

Did I just giggle?

I mentally face-palm myself at my idiocy. Come on, Letha, be a little bit cooler.

A badass like himself is sure to make fun of me if I make a fool of myself.

"Ha, yeah, something like that I guess. But there ain't no stage involved."

I am hoping he will tell me his real name, out of curiosity, but it doesn't look like he's willing to give up that private information.

"So, listen, I liked what you did up there. You're probably the hottest woman to ever walk through those front doors and ask for a job, so the position is yours if you're down. Gotta run it by my prez, but once he sees you, I doubt he'd say no." My face breaks out into a wide grin.

"Really? Thank you! You don't know how much this means to me." My heart is pumping with excitement.

I'll make so much more money here than I would have waiting tables or running a register. I'll never have to worry about not having money to pay Dougie for the apartment. I might even be able to get a car.

Hell, I might even make enough to pay some rent for this month and buy a used car in another few months.

"Now, you seem like a nice girl, you sure you can handle us crazy bikers and the riff-raff that comes through those doors, piss drunk?" He cocks an eyebrow at me and I try and not feel offended that he thinks I can't handle myself.

No, I can't fight off an attacker physically, obviously, but men don't scare me and I rarely ever get uncomfortable around them.

After nearly six years of working as a high-class hooker, dancing at a decent little strip club for a bunch of drunk hooligans is nothing.

But, Blade doesn't need to know that specific detail.

"I'll be fine. I've dealt with men in the past in another job, I know what I'm doing." I keep my tone even as I explain my previous life without actually telling him what I did.

He probably wouldn't be so keen on hiring me if he found out what Dmitri made me do for all those years.

And he definitely wouldn't be ogling me like he is right now.

Or, maybe he would. You never know. He might fuck prostitutes on a regular basis. He might not.

"Alright, then. If you say you're good, I'll take your word for it. But, if you do have any problems, Fat Tony over there can put anyone out of line back in their place. He's got your back in here when I'm not around."

REMOVING 1 JANUARY 2025 Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now