Chapter Eight

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When Blade said let's get out of here, I imagined something involving a little less clothing and a lot more moaning.

But, this cherry pie is pretty damn moan-worthy, if you ask me.

"Would you like another piece, Letha?" The perky, high-pitched voice of Blade's little sister, Callie, calls from over the vintage diner countertop.

The entire piece of pie is just about gone and it's only been in front of me for a few minutes.

Fuck Dmitri for stealing away all this glorious food from me.

Out of habit of turning to a man for permission, I look at Blade, silently asking if I can get another piece. He gives me a funny look and tells his sister, "Just bring the whole damn thing out."

My eyes widen in delight at having the whole pie to myself.

Holy hell, I'm going to get fat. I really need to hit the gym regularly if I'm going to keep eating like this and still be able to work at the club.

"Ha, sure thing!" She grabs the pie tin from the glass case on the counter and brings it over to our table, setting it down in front of us.

"Thanks, Callie." She beams at me and skips back behind the counter and begins shuffling with the napkins, putting fresh ones into their holders.

Blade pushes the tin closer my way with a sly look on his face and I blush, embarrassed at how excited I am over a damn pie.

"Eat all you want, babe."

"Don't make fun of me, this is delicious!" I scoff, shoveling another large bite of pie into my mouth, albeit, a bit unladylike.

Who cares. The baker of this pie is sent from heaven and deserves a James Beard.

I finish chewing long enough to look up to thank Callie again but see her leaning against the counter with her chin propped up on her palm.

There's a dreamy look in her eyes as she stares at someone behind me.

I turn in my booth to see a cute guy about my age sitting in a booth scrolling through his phone. He's wearing the same prospect cut as Aiden and I assume he's apart of the club, as well.

"Who's that?" I question, turning back around in my seat to see that my pie has been stolen from me by my sexy biker.

With my back turned less than thirty seconds, several bites have already disappeared, a guilty expression on his face.

My lips purse and my eyes narrow as I take in the cherry filling staining the side of his mouth.

"Let me get that for you." I lean over the table, making sure my chest is angled just right for his viewing pleasure, and press my lips against his, kissing him deeply and flicking my tongue out to lick the sweetness from his mouth.

REMOVING 1 JANUARY 2025 Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now