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Jimin's Pov

As I sat in the small café down the road from my home I sighed. One of contentment. The café was empty except me and a few other people late in age. It was quite the only thing breaking that silence was the whirring of the coffee machines. I continued to write down my notes for my exam that was coming up soon. The door to the small café opened. I paid no attention as I was nose deep in the book that held the possibility of me passing this exam. 

"Yoongs!" Someone interrupted the silence, I turned to see the cafe's owner. Seokjin. I sighed quietly before checking my phone. 

"Hey keep it down people are busy" The other man's voice said. His voice was smooth like honey. I could listen to it all day. 

'Not the time for daydreaming' I thought before I went back to working. 

An hour later the man who walked in began walking around asking people how they were. I kept my face in my book hoping that he would just skip me and talk to the couple in the corner. Yet luck was not on my side. He sat down in the bench opposite to mine in the booth smiling. His gums showed when he smiled but it was cute. 

"Hi how are you?" He asked his honey voice relaxing my tense mind. 

"Tired" I answered truthfully.

"What are you working on? I see you nose deep into that textbook and notebook what's it for?" He asked pointing to the notebook.

"My literature class in college" I sighed closing the book

"Want me to get you a coffee?" He asked as I laid my head down on the table

"You have no idea how much that would help me right now" I smiled softly at him.

"What can I get you?" he asked smiling again. His smile would kill me eventually. 

"An Americano " I said he perked up

"I thought I was the only one who liked those" He laughed. His laugh was cute and soft.

"No I love them." I said as he walked away 

Yoongi's pov 

'I know' I thought as I walked back to get two of the coffee drinks. Realistically I never liked coffee before the college student came in on the regular and always ordered the same thing every time he  came in here to study. I knew he came in here because it was always quite. That's how Jin liked to keep his café so that way people can come for an escape he said. The door opened and Namjoon walked in carrying flowers. Within seconds Jin bolted into his arms peppering his face with kisses. I hope Jimin and I get that way. Speaking of Jimin I could see him watching the couple with a hint of a pink tint on his face. He's so cute when he's flustered.

I walked back to the table with our coffees as Jin and Joon were still in the middle of the café staring into their eyes.

"That's Jin and his Fiancé Namjoon" He nodded and looked at me

"Their cute" He blushed again before grabbing his coffee taking the straw in between his plump lips.

"What about you? Any girlfriends?" I asked, he almost choked on his coffee

"Uh no" He coughed awkwardly "I'm actually gay" He smiled softly

'YES!' I knew he didn't have a girlfriend but he never showed any signs of being gay. I nodded 

"That's cool I'm bisexual but I lean more towards guys" I leaned into him teasing him. His cheeks began to heat up. I noticed this and smiled slightly just enough for Jimin to not see.  

We sat in Jin's café for about two more hours until it was closing time and Jin was forced to kick us out. He said he wanted to go home and see Namjoon which made me roll my eyes. I loved the two of them but they are inseparable and when they are apart all they talk about is one another. I hope Jimin and I get like that one day.

"Well I'd like to hang out again" I said while walking him to his car.

"I'd love to hang out. Here's my number and we can set up when to hang out again" He handed me a small piece of paper with beautiful hand writing on it. His hand writing is even beautiful. I  nodded and smiled at his small frame.

"Have a good night Jiminie" I ruffled my hands through his hair. It was soft and silky just like I'd imagined. He giggled for the last time before climbing into his car. I loved his giggle and I loved it more when I was the cause of that airy little giggle.

After arriving home I sighed laying in my bed. My brain seemed to click remembering I got Jimin's number and I hadn't texted him once. I shot up out of my bed grabbed my jacket and quickly pulled out the piece of paper that held the number to  a beautiful creature. I punched the number into my phone quickly and sent a text.

'Hey is this Jimin? It's Yoongi' I waited impatiently for a response

'Hey Yoongi, it is in fact Jimin' my  heart fluttered lightly by the small simple response. 

'I'm not big on texting so do you mind if we call?' I needed an excuse to hear his beautiful voice before I fell into sleep.

'of course let me make sure I don't sound like I smoke four packs of cigarettes a day' this caused me to chuckle a bit

'you probably sound beautiful don't worry' I decided to send the risky text with a gulp preparing for the worst. Instead my phone began to ring. 'Beautiful boy' popped onto the caller ID. I quickly picked up smiling.

"Hi" I said quietly as if It could harm his poor ears if I talked above a whisper.

"Min Yoongi you are no fair" Jimin huffed causing me to imagine his adorable pout and chuckle lightly

"and why's that Jiminie?" I said softly

"You're making me blush and it's not fair. You're really nice and I can't tell if you do this to anyone or what" he said softly. I tried my hardest not to coo at how cute he sounded.

"Well I  don't flirt with just anyone. Just pretty boys named Jimin" I heard him gasp and then it was quiet. "Jimin you still there?" I laughed

"Hm? yeah I just had to get rid of my red cheeks" He said faking anger. He was so cute. He will be mine. No one will get in my way and I can guarantee that no one will harm him.

"Well I'm glad I have that effect on you" I smiled while laying on my bed.

"Look before you flirt with me more are you looking for a relationship or is this friendly teasing?" He asked

"I wouldn't mind a relationship but trust me Jimin I want to get to know you before we decide to date" I said half truthfully. I already knew a  lot about Jimin. After he came to the café for the first time in the fall I couldn't take my eyes off him. His smile was cute, the way his eyebrows furrow when he's concentrated, the way his giggle could fill the room with light. I wanted that to be mine but he needed to get to know me which I respect the boys decisions.

"Okay well I'm gonna go to bed" He sighed I didn't want to hang up yet.

"Jimin could we possibly just fall asleep on the phone?  I don't want to hang up yet"  I said quietly

"Yeah let me just go turn off the light and then lay down and we can fall asleep together" I heard faint footsteps before a click and then some rustling.  I shut my light off as well and clambered into bed with a content sigh. If only I could hold him while we slept that would make my night so much better.

Soon from the other end I could hear soft, even breaths meaning that Jimin had already fell asleep. What a cutie. I can't wait for him to be mine and in my arms. Soon Jimin. Soon. With that thought I fell asleep into a blissful dream of Jimin when he's mine.  

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