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Jimin's pov

After talking with Yoongi for a week or so we finally decided to go out for an acutal date. We decided to go out for dinner at a simple place.
As we sat in that small restaurant getting to know one another more than we had in the past week. I couldn't help but admire him. The way his voice was smooth and calming.

"What's your favorite color?" At this point we were just asking random questions at least I was. Yoongi however was getting deep.
" Anything dark" he said cooly.
"What's your family life like?" He asked. He's been asking questions like this all night. I don't mind though because I want him to know me. All of me.
"I have a brother who is younger we're really close. I love my parents so much they made me the man you see before you." He nodded and smiled
"They must be proud of you" Yoongi looked at his hands shyly.
"I would hope so their son moved away to pursue his dream of dance and is making it somewhere. Not to brag." I laughed lightly
"I didn't know you were a dancer" he said as our food arrived.
"Yeah it's my passion I love to dance and make people feel the emotions through my dance moves. It makes me so proud of myself to see people who leave events I'm in to feel the emotions I feel while I dance." He nodded once more and we began eating.

After we finished eating our food we walked to my house. He said he would let me walk home alone at such a time at night. I kind of understand. It's a late Friday and the people in the area aren't the best. As it was fall the air was crisp and quite cold and I suddenly felt like a moron for not bringing a jacket. Yoongi noticed me getting cold and shrugged off his jacket. He placed it gently on my shoulders as if his touch would hurt me.
"Why do you react that way when it involves touching me?"
"I'm sorry I just don't want to hurt you and I'm not the biggest fan of touching people as it is." I just nodded and we continued to walk to my home. It was at times like this I'm glad I decided to walk to the restaurant. We only had a short distance left before we reached my house yet I didn't want to go yet. Yoongi's smooth like chocolate voice, comfortable eyes that sparkled when he looked at me, his intoxicating smell. I would die happily with his voice playing, his scent wrapped around me and his eyes the only thing I see. His jacket smelled like an old library mixed with soft hints of vanilla and roses. Like I said intoxicating
Yoongi's pov (just real quick)
It looked so damn tempting. To hold his cute small hands and to kiss his full pink lips. They way he would talk could have me infactuated with his lips. His voice was like that of an angel. I made up my mind. I took a barely audible breath and gained the courage and grabbed his hand. It was for a quick second before my courage faltered and I let go. I'm so stupid he didn't pull away did he? A light pink set a cross Jimin's face and I smiled. I'm glad I'm the one who can make him react like this. No one better make him blush because if they do they'll have hell to pay. That hell was Min Yoongi. We finally stopped in front a house that seemed to familiar to me. Many nights had been spent outside waiting for the lights to go out and saftey was assured.
"Well this is my house. I had fun tonight Yoongi " Jimin smiled in the dim light from the outside light.
"Does that mean we can go out on a second date?" I asked hopeful
"Yeah but let's go somewhere fun like the fair or something exciting." I nodded. Whatever my jiminie wanted he would get.
"Oh yeah your jacket" he began taking it off but I stopped him before he could.
"Keep it until it doesn't smell like me" I could tell he like the smell of me when I seen him pushing his nose to my jacket quite frequently through the walk here. I didn't mind. If only it was the real thing. I would give anything to wake up to Jimin with his hair all over the place from sleeping so soundly in my arms. I'd wake up everyday and make him breakfast with the freshest fruits and the best foods. He deserves the world.
"Are you sure?" He asked
"Of course ba- Jimin anything for you" it's to close to actually meeting him for this. As far as Jimin knows.

I began seeing him in Seokjin's cafe a little over a year ago. He looked beautiful even if he looked stressed. His brows would furrow and his lips would turn into a slight pout. One that I wanted to kiss away. You could tell he was stressed as he flipped through page after page. Yet he still looked angelic and beautiful. I had made it my goal for him to be mine. After months of silently watching and adoring him I learned more about him. His name, his family life, his school live both now and in highschool. I learned where he lived, his routine through the day, week. Who he hung out with, where he hung out. All the normal stuff.

I turned to leave from his door step when he stopped me. He climbed up to his tippy toes to kiss my cheek. His lips were as soft as I had imagined. He pulled back and blushed beautifully. My heart began to pound and felt as though it was going to fly out of my chest. I couldn't wait till is was more than my cheek he was kissing. With one more dreamy stare he turned and walked into his house. I touched my cheek where his beautiful lips had been just moments ago. I had only dreamt of that moment for months and now that it finally happened it seemed surreal. I can't wait until he's mine. Then I can kiss the shit out of his cute little face and hear his beautiful whispers early in the morning after we wake up in one another's arms. Just you wait Park Jimin. You'll be mine

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