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destiel fic where john is alive and says something about cas that pisses dean off so much he asks cas in front of them to get the hell out of there and cas zaps them both to another lonely place. this leads to dean and cas talking about this and open up to the point they kiss and makeout and make looove and shit. plus no hate to john and outstanding wtf brother sam, and impala and continental.

John Winchester was brought back to life after a desperate need of his sons on a hunt and an angel at their disposition. He went to Heaven after the portal to Hell was open, finally at peace and slightly pissed when first, he discovered Sam died, second, that Dean sold his soul and went to Hell, and third, that they caused the end of the world over and over again and that he could still smell the secrets his boys were keeping from him. Still, he greeted them with a path on the shoulder and apologies for his death.

But, of course, that wouldn't prevent them to get angry at each other for stupid reasons.

The first was Sam, as always, not agreeing with his father's decisions like a rebelious teenager. But because he learned how to cope with his dad during his death, everything was okay moments later.

The one he didn't expect was Dean, his loyal son, but what even Sam was surprised to see was his brother getting pissed for weird reasons. This reason was named Castiel.

It happened fast.


Every heated touch, every movement seeking more and more attention and need, setting free all the tension - not only sexual - between them.

N.A.: JSKDHSJ esto fue un sueño que tuve y me gustó tanto que me desperté sólo a escribirlo, pero no hice bien el fic, así que lo guardo como idea.

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