35: Love🍋

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"Are you sure that he has to go? He's only ten. You said twenty." You sat on Lucifer's chest.

"That was merely a guess. He was much more independent even since birth. My apologies, but one cannot predict such things in a demon baby. You knew that he was not our baby. Soon, my love. Soon." He taunted you. "Now please, could you move onto my face? I desperately want to try this for you."

"It seems so odd, my love. I really don't think I'll--" Lucifer pulled you onto his face and his tongue began to explore. "OH."

"Shhh." He comforted you. Lightly his tongue dragged upward the softness between your legs. The humanness you possess amazed him and he relished the feeling. Unsure of what exactly his goal was, he figured he would do whatever he felt like and go from there, listening to your noises of pleasure for encouragement.

Unsure of what to do with your hands, you sunk them into Lucifer's wings, knowing you'll get a reaction. The vibrations below you earn the god of the Underworld even more friction from above as you grind into him.

I'm doing well. I'm glad I'm doing well. I can do better. He thinks to himself, eyes closed and tongue swirling. Determined, but lost, he simply varied the way he moved his tongue both in and out of you as well as the velocity at which his tongue moved.

It was more than enough for you.

Moans escaped your mouth quicker than you realized and your fingers floated along his wings, giving him is own pleasure session unintentionally.

His fingers roamed your warm skin, almost missing the grass that often coated it. He did of course, adore your human feel, but the plants reminded him of the human realm, giving him a reminded of the sunshine and fresh air that had awaited him above the darkness of the Underworld. Even the scent between your legs was reminiscent of sunshine to him. And so he couldn't get enough of it. Your fluids ran down his face into his hair as his appetite became voracious and suddenly, he couldn't take it anymore. Warm fluids spewed onto your back and you heard a growl beneath you. No more would he lay passively beneath you. Using his strength, he easily lifted you and slammed you down beneath him.

"Please, tell me that you love me, YN. Pull me into you and allow me to bring you ecstasy that you have never know." His blue eyes blazed into your own.

"I..." You panted, coming down from your high, threading your fingers through his soft, but sweat-soaked hair. "I love you Lucifer. You are my husband and I wouldn't trade you for anything in the human world. Not even a baby."

He closed his eyes, soaking up those most valuable words before plunging his face back inside of you. They had meant everything to him, but it didn't mean he wouldn't stop trying to give you what you wanted most. Even if it took a millennium.

I Go By Many Names (Lucifer {Ryo} x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now