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Louis' POV

~flash back~

"L-Lou.. I-"

"No! Shut up! Just shut up. I.. No." Louis says, stuttering around his words now. "Don't say a word. Don't say anything. Just leave me alone. I need some time. I just need to be alone right now." Louis says before the line went dead before Harry could say anything more.

Louis throws his phone across the room, hearing it shatter. He threw whatever he could get his hands on not caring if it broke. All he could think and care about was the words he just told Harry. The entire conversation running through his mind over and over again. The words feeling like venom to him now.

The sounds of Harry's sobs rang in his ears and he couldn't get them to go away. He did this to him. He was responsible for that sound. He was supposed to be the one to protect him and calm him. But he wasn't.

I screwed everything up. I always do. My tongue speaks before my mind can process what's happening. I let my anger and jealousy take over. I did the one thing I promised myself I would never do. I hurt him. I, Louis Tomlinson, hurt my boyfriend. And in the worst possible way. I abandoned him in the moment he needed me the most.

At that thought, Louis slid down the wall, hands gripping his hair, and just let it out. Tears streaming down his face, and as more fell, the more they reminded him of how broken his lover sounded.

~end flashback~

Louis looks at the door in front of him. The door that ruined everything for him from the beginning. Just behind that door are the people that took everything piece that was still good in him and made him look like a fool. Took and changed everything that was true about him. Changed his image just so they could get the ratings they needed. But from this point forward, they would do no more. Why you ask? Because he was done.

Standing just outside the door, his appearance a mess. Eyes rimmed red, hair flying everywhere, clothes a wrinkled mess. He didn't care though. He was broken. They made him broken.

Louis reaches forward and finally opens the door. Inside was Simon, sitting at his desk just like he assumed him to be. Typing away at his computer. Papers stacked high on his desk. Louis makes his way over and slams his hands down, grabbing Simons attention.

"Louis! What a surprise." Simon says, looking up at Louis startled. "Man you look like a mess." He says giving Louis a glance over.

"Yea no thanks to you." Louis says looking down at Simon, feeling nothing but fire in his bones. "I'm done."

Simon chuckles at that, leaning back in his too fancy of a chair, lacing his fingers in his lap. "No your not."

"Yes I am. I'm done with the games. I'm done with the stunts, the image. I'm done with it all." Louis says, standing up straight. "I've messed everything up because of you and I'm not gonna stand by it anymore so yes I'm done."

"Look, you signed a contract agreeing to this. You can't be done unless I say. So run along now and clean up. You have an interview in a couple of hours then your meeting up with Eleanor." Simon says going back to typing on his computer.

Louis glares at Simon, his body raging. He lets his anger take over and throws everything off Simon's desk. "When I say I'm done, I'm done. No more stunts, no more Eleanor, no more you. And if it comes to it, no more singing. I'm not gonna go through anymore of this when there is somewhere I would rather be with someone I actually love. Rather you like it or not, I'm quitting."

"You can't quit. I own you." Simon says looking away from his computer to look at Louis.

"Not anymore." Louis says before walking out the door. He slams the door behind him and feels relief flush over him. The weight lifting off his shoulders. One thing done, next was to fix what he had broke.

Harry's POV

Harry walks behind his mom slowly, shoulders drooped, and a frown on his face. His mom drug him out his room, no matter how hard he protested, to go outside with her. They are currently at the store getting whatever it is his mom needed.

"Cheer up love. I know your hurting but you can't be sad forever." Anne says looking back at her son.

"I can be as sad as I want and as long as I want." Harry says looking down at the ground. "I'm gonna go wait in the car." He says before turning around, leaving before his mom could protest.

On his way out, he looks at his phone to see if he got anything from Louis, because no matter how much it hurt, he really misses him. To no surprise, he found nothing, yet again. Not hearing no from him since that call is what's hurting him the most. He thought Louis would call and maybe apologize. At least that's what his mom said he would do. Of course he shouldn't have believed her.

"I'm sorry baby. I wish he would call." Harry says sadly while rubbing his belly. He ends up heading to the bakery down the street instead of the car. He doesn't care if his mom worries. That's all she's been doing the past couple of days and it's getting on his nerves. He loves her but he wishes she would just let him cope how he wants too.

He orders himself a tea and finds himself to a table. Looking outside the window, watching the world go by, paying no mind to him, it got him thinking. In the end, some way somehow, everything will work out fine for him. Rather or not him and Louis work this out and go back to how they were or if it's just left to himself. It will work out. But for now, he'll just stay broken until it does.

HI!!! Oh my this is way past due and oh my am I sorry. But hey! I'm done with college for the summer so hopefully I'll be able to update faster. (No promises)

Anyways!!! Thoughts, questions, concerns?

Got a little insight into louis' side. What did you think? Him being done with Simon and the rest of management? What do you think he's going to do to fix things with him and Harry?

What about harry? Do you think he should cope on his own or should he actually let his mom help? His thoughts on how things will get better?

Also! Give me some baby names, boy or girl. I have some in mind but I wanna know what you guys suggest.

Much love, always xx

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