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Harry's POV

Harry slowly makes his way back home, his arms wrapped around his stomach. His phone has long died a little over an hour ago. Not that he cared. His mind was somewhere else and he just wanted to be by himself. He was tired of everyone worrying about him. He just need to cope on his own.

When he makes it back, he noticed figure sitting on the porch. It looked familiar but he still hesitantly walked up the driveway. As he got closer he got a better view of the person. Breathing a sigh of relief, he shoved the person to the side.

"You scared me. What are you even doing here this late?" Harry asks, walking up to the door to unlock it, the figure following behind him.

"Anne called me. Said you just left. She's worried sick you know."

"Well she shouldn't be. I'm fine. I just needed some air." Harry says walking in the house and turning on the lights. He turned to face the figure and smiles. "But thank you for coming Jakey." That was the nickname he started calling his friend Jacob in school.

"I was worried too. Your mom told me what happened. Are you ok?" Jacob asks, closing the door behind him.

"I'm fine." Harry says turning around, walking to the kitchen. "I don't want to really talk about it."

"Ok ok. Movie and snacks then?" Harry smiles at that, happy that he just dropped it.

"Sounds like a plan."

Two movies in and one empty container of ice cream later, Harry hears a knock on the door. Sighing, he goes to get up to answer it, but gets stopped by Jacob.

"I got it." He says getting up and walking to the door. Harry just nods and settles back down and continues to watch the movie. Until a certain voice catches his attention.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Jacob, Harry's friend. Who are you?" Harry hears Jacob ask.

"I'm Harry's boyfriend." Harry's heartbeat picks up hearing his voice. The voice he longed for. The voice that he loves. The voice that hurt him. The sound of laughter pulls him from his thoughts.

"Funny. Because according to what happened, it seems like you don't want to be." Jacob says.

"Just let me talk to him."

"No I don't think so." Jacob says, the sound of the door slamming following after. He walks back to the couch, sitting beside Harry. "Miss anything?" He asks, but Harry doesn't answer. Instead, he's getting up and heading to the door, Jacob calling after him.

He swings open the door, seeing a shadow walking to a dark vehicle, their body slumped down.

"Wait!" Harry calls out, rushing down the steps and towards the person. The person he has been longing for for so long. The person stops and slowly turns around looking up at Harry. "Hey." He says stopping in front of him.


"Um.. W-what are you doing here? Don't you have places you need to be?" Harry asks looking up at his lover.

"I uh. No. Not anymore." Louis says looking at Harry, his hand rubbing the back of his neck.

"What do you mean not anymore?" Harry asks, confused. He knew Louis had a bunch of interviews to do and a concert coming up. So what he's saying isn't making any sense.

"I ended everything. With Simon and all." Louis says looking down at the ground. "He drew the last straw and that was making me do something that hurt you. I couldn't do that anymore and so I ended it. Ended my contract."

"Wait what? What about the band?"

"They all know. I told them. Liam is looking for another management team. But I told them that I didn't want to do anything for awhile. To just do their own thing." Louis says looking back up at Harry.

"Why?" Harry asks, even more confused now than what he was before.

"Because or you."

"B-because of me? You ended everything because of me? You're giving up everything, your life, your dream all because of me."

Louis chuckles, shaking his head. "No just because of you. After that... after we um.. after that night, I realized something. Simon, management, One Direction. They were all keeping me away from where I actually wanted to be. With someone I want to be with. Going on tour and singing, man I enjoy that. I do. But being with you, you light up my world like nobody else." He says looking off to the side, the light from the street lights flickering in his eyes. "And now, there's something else. Someone else."

Harry looks down, rubbing his arms. Someone else?

"I need to be there. Be here. I was so shocked, so terrified and god I know that's no excuse for what I did. God I know you were probably feeling a lot worse. I overreacted. I said things that I regret." Louis says, rubbing his eyes. "I am so so sorry for doing that to you baby. I'm so sorry I hurt you. And if you want me to leave, then I will. But I want to be apart of our child's life. I want to see him or her walk. Hear them talk and run. Go off to school, see them fall in love and get hurt. I wanna be there for it all. I want to be there for you."

Tears run down Harry's face. A smile plastered to his face. "Oh Lou.." He says before tackling him into a hug. "That was.. thank you." Louis wraps Harry in his arms, pulling him even closer.

"No matter how long it takes, I'm going to be here. For good now." Louis says, kissing the top of Harry's head. Harry just buries his face in Louis neck. His night just went from bad to wonderful just like that.

Not very long but here you go!!!!

Thoughts??? Concerns???

Should Harry have gone outside? Should he have just stayed with Jacob? Did I rush it? (Did I really tho???)



Also I get to see NIALL freaking HORAN in just a few weeks and I am sooooo EXCITED!!!

Ok I'm done now.

Until next time

All the love xx

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