Sweet Paris (Emily x Alison)

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I was in front of the Dilaurentis house door. Jason didn't seen so glad to see me when He opened the door but he understood that Ali needed someone, her mother had died. After Jason let me in I went upstairs to see Alison, when I opened the door she was there, just lying in her bed.

-Hey, you don't look good. How are you going? If I can do anything to...

+ It's okay Em,I'm better now you are here.

She gave me a little smile but she still had red eyes. Probably She hadn't slept since she find out her mother was dead and she seldom have talked with us since then.

- I know you are hurt but... I don't think that it's good for you to stay here by your own. You should go outside, breath fresh air, and talk with me...with us. You will feel better.

I put my hand closer to hers until I reached hers.

+ You're right. I'm glad you come. - She loocked down +I don't know If I'm okay with...this. The person who buried me alive is dead.. but she is my mother and I...I can't do this.

-It's okay Ali,I'm here for you,we all are.ç

She started to cry and inmediately I hugged her. After She had cleanes her tears she held my hands and looked at me.

+I'm sorry.

-For what?

+For letting you, all of you, think that I was dead. If you care for me as much as I do for you, you must have suffered a lot but I didn't have a choice. - She did a little pause. +I missed you the most, it really hurts...knowing that someone you love is suffering and it's your fault and that I didn't do anything to stop it.

-I understand that you were in danger. You needed to leave Rosewood , stay aways from A...but It really broke me down the fact that you haven't let us help you or...

+I know. I should have yold you but... I can't go back in time.If I could things would be so different now.

She held my hand harder and She got closer to me. 

+ I hope I can do something to make up what I've done to you.

She was even closer to me. She practically was whispering those words in my ear.

-I'm sure you will.

I turned my head and She kissed me. Her lips tested like cherries. I holded her by her arm and I put my other hand on her face while I kept kissing her. Her skin was like velvet, so perfect.

Alison throw my hair to the other side and started to kiss my neck.

+You are so sweet Emily, just like I remember. 

I bitted my lips. Her little fingers were playing around my hair.

+But you are stronger now.I like that.

She smirked.

+ I wish I could just leave this mess and run away with you.

-Am where are we supposed to go?

+Somewhere away from Rosewood. Don't you remember? You and I and sweet Paris?

I couldn't believe that she still remembered about that.

-That's sounds fantastic.But, sadly, you just came back and we have to face reality.

+I know, It's a shame. You would look beautiful under the Paris's sky.

Sweet Paris (Emily x Alison)Where stories live. Discover now