Chapter Four

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For anyone who's wondering... that's Maddy as a sixteen year old>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Maddy's POV


"Mommy!" my six-year-old self squealed and ran into her arms.

"Hello sweetie'" she cooed. "How was balet?"

"Awesome!" I fist pumped and ran to the car where Gemma and Harry were waiting.

"how was class?" they chourused.

"Super-duper-extra fun! I learned a new move!" and I tried to demonstrate while mom was pulling out of the parking lot and we all laughed. Mom turned on the radio and we all sang our hearts out untill we got home. We all dreaded the moment when we would walk through the door, knowing dad was drunk, again, like always. Finally Mom broke the silence."We have to go in sometime."

We walked inside and were met by the smell of alcohol and dad's growl. "Where the hell have you been?" Gemma ran up to her room leaving the four of us alone.

"Mads had balet lessons." Harry stated. Dad kicked him in the face making his forehead bleed and sending him flying into a wall.

"Harry!" I cried and ran twards him bawling my eyes out.

"What the fuck are you comforting him for?!" Dad screamed throwing his beer bottle at me. Shattering on my shoulder sending piercing pain coursing through my body. Harry and I just sat there crying our heads off.

"THAT'S IT! WE'RE DONE!!!" Mom yelled.

I gasped and awoke in my bed. My mom's word echoed in my head and I started crying. I looked at my clock. 3:30 am. Oh well. I cryed untill Niall burst in.

"Are you okay?!?" He whisper-shouted coming over and hugging me.

"I'm fine." I lied, "Just a bad dream."

"Okay." But he didn't let go. I was thankful. He started whispering soothing things in my ear and rubbing his hand on my back, making me feel tiny sparks. I didn't mind, I decided that I loved being in his arms. He got me to stop crying and laid me back in bedked me in and started to leave.

"Niall, please don't go." I pleaded and he got into the bed with me and held me untill I fell asleep.

Niall's POV


After we swam we all ate dinner and went to bed. I woke up early in the morning to the sound of crying. The guest room, where Maddy was staying, was the closest room to mine so I checked there first. Sure enough Maddy was hunched over crying. I went over and comforted her. I hugged her and felt sparks. I have no idea if she felt them too but I didn't care. I just loved holding her. She stoped crying and I tore myself away from her and started to leave.

"Niall, please don't go." she begged me and my heart did a little flip when she said my name. I got into bed with her and held her untill she fell asleep.

Gemma's POV


I woke up and walked into the kitchen where only four of the boys sat.

"Guys, It's 9:30. Where are Niall and Maddy?" I asked knowing that Niall would surely be up munching on food by now.

"I have an idea!" Louis exclaimed standing up and waving a piece of bacon. "Let's go wake them!"

"yes!" we chourused as we all ran upstairs. Zayn started first running into Maddy's room as we all ran into Niall's knowing he would be harder to wake.

When Niall wasn't in his bed we searched all of the room. Not finding him we went to help Zayn. We walked in and found Zayn glaring and Maddy and Niall. Who were asleep in eachothers arms! Zayn looked as if he was about to explode. The couple woke up and stared at us.

"Good morning?" Maddy asked. Zayn balled his fists and his shoulders arched as if he was going to pounce on something.

"Zayn?" Liam cautioned.

"drop it." Zayn snapped and stormed out of the room running into Louis in the process.

"What just happened?" Niall asked.

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