Chapter Seven

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Sorry for not updating for so long! I was on Holiday. =-)

Maddy's POV


"Let's go watch sound check?" Jillian asked.

"sure?" I squeaked and they pulled me away. We sat backstage watching them practice. We would burst out laughing when Louis fell or whisper and giggle when a fly kept flying in Zayn's face.

"GODDAMN THIS FLY!" he screeched running across stage as we fell on the floor laughing.

"And his face!-HAHAHA" "His voice was so high-HAHA" "His arms were flailing-HAHA!" The three of us laughed as Zayn was blushing.

"Don't worry Zayn!" I called and he looked up. "It was a very manly scream!" and the boys burst out laughing.

"Maddy," I froze "Hey Maddy."

Louis POV


We looked over to see the girls laughing. A man came up behind Maddy and spoke,

"Maddy." Haz and Maddy froze. "Hey Maddy."

"Shit!" Harry yelled and Launched himself across stage and onto the man. I've never seen the boy move so fast! "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT???" Harry cried as he ran into the man.

"Why the hell do you care?" The man asked and Maddy Ameena and Jillian ran across stage to us.

Maddy hid herself in Niall, Jillian in Zayn, and Ameena stood watching Harry and crying.

"He'll be okay babe." I comforted and hugged her tight.


"Your sister? She's MY FUCKING DAUGHTER TOO!" The man, their dad, yelled in Harry's face. "I moved back over here! you can't get rid of me! Maddy," He pushed Haz off him and started towards Maddy and Niall. "Maddy hun, I have a new client for you."

"NO!" Maddy screeched, crying. "nononononononono" she pulled away from Niall and ran with Ameena and Jill close on her heels. Her dad started after them but we intercepted him. Niall looked like he wanted to murder him.

"Fuck off." Zayn growled.

Their dad snorted. "Don't tell me to 'fuck off' pretty boy" and punched him in the face. "How pretty are you now?" Liam punched him back.

Niall's POV


Zayn and Liam were fighting Maddy's dad.  I was about to walk up and crush his skull. A new client? What the hell was he thinking? Someone grabbed me from behind and I turned and punched my attacker in the stomach.

"OOOOOF!" Louis yelped. "What the hell mate?"

"sorry" I muttered and started to turn twards the fight when he grabbed my shoulder.

"Mate, go find Maddy. Beating her dad to a pulp is not gonna make her love you, helping her when she needs you most might help with the love situation. NOW GO! I'm going to help Haz." I looked over, Haz had just sat up. He was clutching his head. I looked at Lou and ran off.

When I found Maddy and the girls they were hiding in a closet. I opened the door and Ameena stood up. She walked over and push me out of the closet.

"Niall," she whispered. "She hasn't told us anything, she just sits there and cries. I can tell you care for her so please, please help her." She pleaded and walked back into the closet, "Maddy hun? Hey babe, Nialls here for you too hun. Jill and I have to go babe. I love you hun." and they left. I enveloped Maddy in a hug~sparks, there were definitely sparks~I rubbed her back and whispered in her ear whilst she cried. "Shhhh Maddy, don't worry it will all be okay, shhh don't cry babe, I'll always be here for you, shhh it's okay, I love you, shhh don't cry." She sniffed and looked up. She leaned forward and whispered in my ear, "I think I might like you too. I'm not sure yet though." and she laid her head on my shoulder. I hesitated, then kissed her head.

"when you're ready to talk I'll be here." I stated then rubbed her back.

"I'll keep that in mind." she answered as Louis burst in.

"Lets go." He chuckled.

Maddy's POV


As we walked out Niall grabbed my hand.  I like it when he touched me.  It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Like a wave of safeness, comfort, caring, life.  It was nothing like touching Zayn. When I touched Zayn I felt a rush, a rush of danger. AHHH I can't decide who I like!  We walked onto the stage and I gasped.  Harry was sitting on the floor with an icepack on his head. Liam had a bloody nose, and Zayn had a black eye.  I giggled when I saw Ameena and Jill fussing over Harry and Zayn.  Zayn looked up and saw Niall and I holding hands.  He looked into my eyes then looked away. I felt so bad.

Just then Paul walked in, "I just talked to security, they can postpone the concert a couple hours if you want."

"Yes." Liam spoke for all of us. "Let's just go to the hotel."

We all walked over to the van where Niall, Lou, and I all got into the back, Haz, Ameena, and Jill in the middle, and Zayn and Paul up front. I leaned on Niall and he put his arm around me. We put in some ear-buds and plugged them into his phone. I pressed play and Justin Bieber and Chris Brown's Next To You played. I smiled, Bieber, of course.   We got to the hotel ad got our keys. I squeezed Niall's hand and went with the girls to see our hotel room. Hotel room >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

"HOLY CROOP!" Jillian squealed when she opened our door.

"What?" Ameena and laughed as we shoved through the door "Sweet!"

We unpacked and still had an hour before we had to get ready. "Would you Rather?" I suggested.

"Sure!" the girls exclaimed and we sat in a circle on the floor.

"Maddy you first!" Jillian laughed. "Would you rather marry Zayn or Niall?" she looked mischievously at Ameena.

"Oh gods..." I breathed, who do I like more? "I would marry..."

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