Chapter Nine

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I'm really really sorry!!! I lost all Internet in my house for a long while so I couldn't update! It also deleted all five or six pages that I wrote so now I have to rewrite it all! :( here is all I could salvage/remember

Ameena's POV


We were sitting in the hospital waiting room. Lou was still blaming himself for hurting Maddy. He sat with his head in his hands crying.

"Shhhh babe It's okay." I rubbed his back and texted Elenor.

Ameena: Hey El, d'ya think you could stop by Liendsview Hospital soon?

El: Sure, grabbing my keys now. Why? What happened?

Ameena: Someone got hurt and Lou is blaming himself. Mabey you can cheer him up?

El: Oh dear! On my way.

I sat back and looked at our group. Jill and Liam were trying to calm down Niall and Harry who were freaking out and exchanging "what if's." Zayn sat pinching the bridge of his nose muttering to himself. We all looked miserable.

Elenor walked inat that instant and scanned the crowd. I waved and she came over and sat next to Lou. "Hun? Lou please?" He looked up, his eyes red, and wrapped El in a hug, crying into her shoulder.

"Lou look at me." she held his shoulders at arms length. He sniffed. "Whatever it was I'm sure it wasn't your fault." He nodded.

Gemma and Danielle burst into the waiting room. Gemma Searched the crowd franticly. Finding Harry she ran over and shook his shoulders. "HARRY!" She yelled in his face. "SNAP THE HELL OUT OF IT!" That gained us some looks. Danielle ran over to Liam and grabbed his hand. We had never heard Gemma swear. "You know what?" she let go of Harry and he collapsed. "I--shit!" She cut herself off. Danielle squeaked and curled herself into Liam.

"Really? right now?" Gemma muttered sitting Harry up and fumbling around in her purse. She pulled out an eyedropper and a medicine bottle. Muttering to herself she dropped a few drops of the liquid into Harry's mouth, he groaned. He opened his eyes and looked at us. He cursed under his breath and stood up. Brushing his pants off he turned away from us and looked towards the door.

"fuck." he muttered falling to his knees. "he's here."

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