Chapter One

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"Welcome back to Home and Design! Right here, we have Jasmine Coleman, who happens to be the DIY interior designer of Flourish Details and she's going to teach us something that'll have our homes scintillating by Christmas. Isn't that right, Jasmine?" One of the four hosts; Jamie introduces.

"That's right, Jamie, and today, I will be showing you how to make these DIY lotion bars that you could make at home with my grandmother's recipe. What you would need is; a cup of coconut oil, a cup of cocoa butter or Shea butter, a cup of beeswax, and a teaspoon of Frankincense oil. The first step is to heat the coconut oil along with the beeswax together in a saucepan over low heat." I scoop the both ingredients with the spatula spoon from the glass bowls as they plummet and liquefy together all at once on the sizzling saucepan. "Once the beeswax and coconut oil are melted thoroughly, it is now time for you to add the essential oils of your choice. For today, I am using Frankincense oil."

"What is Frankincense oil? It sounds like an ancient disease for a Frankenstein." The other host, April jokes in results of me laughing along with the audience.

"Frankincense oil helps reduce acne blemishes along with stretch marks. It heals wounds faster as well as boosting your immune system and has anti-aging properties to slow the signs of aging, tightening your skin. You could make this lotion bar and keep it handy during those freezing months to keep your hands moisturized. To be honest, I suffer from eczema during the winter and I apply this between where my hand and wrist meet." I explain as I pour a teaspoon of the oil. I then pour the dissolving mixture into the silicone lotion bar mold.

"Soon after the mixture is combined, it is now time to pour it in the molds. If you don't have a mold, you could use a muffin tin instead. And after that, let it sit to cool down. You could also sit them in the refrigerator to speed up the process." I pull open the refrigerator to put the mold in the refrigerator.

"By the time they chill," I crouch down to reach for the mold under the table to reveal the finishing work of the lotion bars. "Voila! The lotion bars are ready to keep your dry hands at bay." I display the delicate stacked lotion bars on the plate with the paper towel. The live studio audience takes an intriguing applause along with the hosts.

"Ladies, have a try," I suggest kindly as I heedfully pick up the bar from the plate to run the edge of the lotion bar against my dry, rough wrist prior to massaging my rough area with my index finger to even out the creamy consistency on my skin.

"Wow!" Jalissa exclaims. "This is incredible!" The other hosts agree.

"Yes, it is! So, Jasmine, you learned to make these lotion bars with your grandmother?" Tamia asks.

"That's right, Tamia. My grandma taught me to make them when I was a little girl in her old apartment in West Harlem." I assure, thinking about the fond memories of me helping my grandmother make these for her friends from church as well as customers including my family members and I. I swear; she could've started a business of selling her customized lotion bars, but she's perturbed that the money would go to waste.

"Wait! You're from West Harlem?" Jalissa queries with intrigue in her tone.

"Precisely, but my family and I moved to Colorado when I was twelve." I assume.

"Girl, I'm from the Bronx!" She raises her hand for me to give her a high five and I broaden my eyes in such a coincidence because Jalissa and I are the only girls hailing from downstate New York. Seems like I got a New York sister from another mister! "Oh, my goodness! It is great to discover that you're from New York, also!"

"Ladies, we'll continue our chit-chat after the show." April says.

"Not only are we gonna have the lotion bars made by the Flourish Details, everybody in the audience are all going home with the lotion bars made by Flourish Details!" Everybody of all nationalities and ethnicities applaud eagerly as well as standing up from their seats.

"For those who are watching at home, please go to and win yourself some lotion bars. We'll be right back after the commercial break. You're watching Home & Design!" Tamia declares as the uplifting Pop music plays, indicating the TV daytime show's instrumental theme song.


"I still can't believe you live in the Bronx!" I exclaim astonishingly.

"Yes, I know, girl! What are you gonna do for the holidays? Because I'm planning to see my family and my sister has a huge announcement that she wants to tell me and my family." Jalissa tells.

"Well," I move my glass as the sparkling cider swishes around the interior of the glass before consuming my beverage and placing the glass down on the linen covered table. "I might make myself cozy watching Christmas movies as well as visiting my grandmother in Aurora, Colorado because people that are living in the same apartment building as her are throwing their fifty ninth year annual Holiday tree lighting."

"That's great!" Jalissa nods as the decrescendo music is playing in the background with hues of yellow reflecting the walls and others carrying on a conversation as well as enjoying their meals with the waiter presenting our meals. Jalissa and I are not the only ones; Jamie, April, and Tamia are here with us. The women from the Home & Design invited me to have lunch with them after the show ended for the day and here we are. I pierce my roasted steak with a fork and a knife, slicing it prior to taking a bite of the savory, juicy steak in my mouth along with the potato wedges and broccoli salad on the side.

"It was really wonderful having you on our show, Jasmine! What are you going to do for the holidays?" Tamia queries.

"Just like I told Jalissa, I'm gonna spend my holidays with my grandma because in Aurora, Colorado; they're throwing the annual holiday tree lighting."

"That's fantastic! My family and I are spending time with my in-laws in Aspen for the holidays. Maybe you could come visit us and decorate their abode because you and your team make such dazzling interior furniture and accessories for home." Tamia recommends appreciatively.

"Of course!" I nod, concurring with Tamia's arrangement for me to meet with her family more to the point that it would be a three hour and fifty four minute drive from Aurora to Aspen. While I'm in Colorado, I could help Tamia and her family get her in-law's prepared for Christmas.

Four hours later...

Slipping my feet out of my ankle knee boots, I throw my keys to my coffee table as well as placing my pocketbook beside me on the couch simultaneously to examine three of my mail that I pick up from the mailbox downstairs when I become aware of one of the three mail lacking to include the hash before my apartment residence. Oh, brother, I shake my head as I already know the only person that is recognized. I fish my phone out of my pocketbook to call up the individual and place the phone to my ear. I listen to the first four rings until a joyful female voice responds, "Hello, Jasmine, dear!"

"Hey, mom. Did you mail me something?" I query.

"Why, yes I did. Your brother and his wife just welcomed their baby son. Your father and I are inviting you and your siblings to celebrate Christmas with us. It has been four years ever since we had our real Coleman Family Christmas. There are a couple of fine, young gentlemen that would be interested to be with you. Your brothers and sisters are settling down with marriage and having your nieces and nephews," my mom rambles and all I can normally do is roll my eyes and mouth her exact words. Just because I haven't found the right man, doesn't mean that I'm not interested in dating right now. I'm simply working at a DIY interior design company to pay my $1,500 a month rent.

"Mom, when do you want us to arrive?" I inquiry just as I arise from the couch to the calendar that is pinned on the wall beside the refrigerator. I pull open the drawer to grab a permanent market with my other hand still holding the phone to my ear. "On November 19th." Mom answers.

"November 19th,"I murmur and draw a thick circle around the number. "That's just one week away."

"I know. You're father and I are looking forward of seeing all of you. Oh! I can't wait for you to let your hair down and meet these handsome men they have out in Colorado!" Mom flatters. And now you know why it is complicated when it comes to my mother.

The Evergreen Inn {A Clean Interracial Christmas Romance}Where stories live. Discover now