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Warning: This book contains- blood, gore, abuse, extreme detail on all three of those, extreme sadness, and loss of hope. If any of this stuff triggers you, I advise you do not read this. Read at your own risk.
3- wake up
3:30- torture
5- testing
7:30- training
10- torture
12:30- cell
13- training
15- testing
17- torture
23:30- sleep
The star heard the wish, but I didn't know how to keep it. It was a broken star, it was broken from the start, that is why it was falling.

10, torture. The silver eyes girl already knew every single torture device there was, even torture methods. Her back already had multiple gashes, some new, some old, and some from just from 3: 30. All other injuries that where aloud to heal, never left a scar. The girl held her breath longer then usual, as the wip colid around her neck. The person who was wiping her, yanked hard on the wip, pulling her backwards.
"Your right," The new wip master said in German, "she doesn't show pain. I wonder then, if it's just because she's grown a customed to this pain, or a different reason. You there! Bring me a knife!" The wip master called to someone. The girl felt the wip loosen around her neck, then it came fully off. The man, had walked away. Before she had a chance to pull away, someone gripped tight to her hair.
"Where do you think your going girly? " Sneered an agent, his German accent heavy upon his words. If she was a normal 8 year old girl, she would have at least gulped in fear. But she isn't normal, she sat there, a blank face.
The agent went to say something else, but was interrupted by a different agent, bursting threw the doors. "We are under attack!" He called throughout the room. Everyone's faces went noticibly paler, "I was told that 8470 was to be taken to a cell, till further notice." Everyone seemed to jump into action right away. 10 agents went strait to the girl, pulling at her restraints, and being led to a cell. Her eyes darted back and forth, keeping track of all the turns they took. She was pushed down some stairs, the agents filling in behind her.
They got to a cell, the girl being pushed into it. After 8 of the agents left, 2 stayed outside the cell. She heard the sounds of a fight happening from up above, getting closer and closer to her. She wasn't afraid of it, but she didn't let her hopes up. For if she did, she surely would be disappointed. Heros arnt real, and if she believed it for one minute, she would break.
All of a sudden, the cell was unlocked, both of the agents grabbing for her arms. She felt one of them yanked out of its socket. Her other wrist being crushed. No tears came to her eyes, not even biting her lip to keep from calling out in pain, nothing. She just followed, as fast as her legs could carry her. The sound of people fighting seemed just around the corner. Some little part of herself, that one part that still wished she would be saved like in a movie. That part, for some odd reason, made her drag her feet. Today was the day, she would stop letting Hydra ruin her. One of the agents turned around to face her, slapping her by the jaw. A red hand print formed, but that didn't stop her from trying to resist. It happened again and again, yet the girl didn't stop.
Right as one was about to pick her up, the agents dropped. A flash of red, white, and blue, and she was free. She wirlled around on her feet, facing the strange stranger that saved her. He was dressed in weird clothes, most of it was blue, with some red and white here and there. On the center of his chest was a star, and he wore a helmet of some sort that was also blue, with an A in the middle of it. He caught a shield in his hand, that seemed to be the one that knocked the 2 agents unconscious. The man was about to say something, but running footsteps came from down the hall. They all seemed to be in sync perfectly, just like Hydras human robots.
The girl whipped her head around, then turning her fully body to watch the soldiers progress toward her. She wanted to back up, act like a scared little girl. Yet her mind told her no, she always had to be the tuff girl. So she got in her fighting stance, she had no weapon, but she would fight till she couldn't no more. Her left arm, went around, like she was gripping a sword on her back. Her right arm strait to her waist, like she had a dagger. Her right foot forward, left one back. That's all it took, the robotic like humans, attacked.
It sounded like the man with the shield was also fighting. She took down as many robotic humans she could, but sadly, 4 was the maximum # of super soldiers she can take down. That results to what, 10 regular humans? Sadly, some of these robotimised humans, weren't normal. Nether was the girl though.
To the strange man, he could see a faint shimner of bluish silver every now and then. The girl fought like she had a sword and a dagger, and how they went down, it wasn't hard to believe.
She only got 5 down before one grabbed her, throwing her over his shoulder. The silver eyed girl tried to wiggle out of his grip, but it was no use, she wasn't going to get free. Then as if a miracle, they guy was knocked down, loosening his grip on the girl.
"You will not be taking that girl." The strange man said. The man, fought a path through, picking up the small girl, and running out. The silver eyed girl wrapped her arms around his neck, finding comfort in his warmth. Then, they where outside, the first time she saw the sun in a long time. The strange man continued running, strapping his shield onto his back at the same time. The man ran, jumping onto a strange looking flying object. As the man set her down, she looked back at the place that once was her home, then was her prison.
The Hydra base exploded, bricks and things going all over. The strange man bent down to the girls hight.
"What's your name?" He asked, "mine is Steve Rodgers, also known as Captain America." The girl looked at him questioningly, then pulling up her sleeves on her shirt that was torn at the back.
On the small girls arm it read, 'Dream, test subject 8470'. The girl pointed at it to let the man know who she was. The man examined it, reading it.
"Dream? That's your name?" The silver eyed girl quickly nodded her head yes.
"It's nice to meet you Dream. You don't talk much, do you?" He was met with the girl shaking her head no.
"Well that's OK. I'm going to take you somewhere, don't worry you can trust me. There people are going to help you, ok?" She nodded her head yes, then going to sit down in a seat.
"Ok, well if you need me I will be in the cockpit. " She gave him a questioning look, but nodded anyway. Steve, as he said, left, leaving Dream by herself. She sat a bit away from the back of the seat. It hurt her back, but of course she wasnt going to say anything, or show it.

1305 words

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