Chapter 13 - Assistant

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Arriving at VIVA Alec's company, the receptionist greets Mimi with a welcoming smile.

Before long everyone was used to Mimi's appearance, newcomers would interrogate her and her identity but soon found out her relations with their owner Alec Hirogori.

Despite this information, they were told no one spoke word outside of her identity keeping Mimi's low profile in check.

"Good evening, Kate," Mimi folds her arms on top of the desk with a smile. "Is my brother here yet?"

"Mr. Hirogori just left a meeting right now he should be on his way, if you wish to see him you can wait in the lobby." Kate the receptionist says.

Nodding her head in understanding, Mimi looks towards the elevator before looking back at Kate with an evil grin.

"Thank you, Kate, I'll be waiting for his office!" Mimi winks while walking towards the elevators. "Keep it a secret that I'm here will you?"

Before Kate can stop the teenage girl, Mimi had already entered the elevator with an impish grin.

Sighing she shakes her head already knowing a great deal of Mimi's personality and teasing.

Alone in the elevator, Mimi leans back calmly, her eyes closed as she rests her head against the wall.

A lot had happened since Mimi left her father and established a life of her own. Alec's company had soared greatly causing a massive impact on the business world.

Because of his young age, others thought even more highly of him, addressing him as a business genius.

However, he would have under no circumstances been where he was today without the help of Mimi who worked from behind the scenes.

She even incorporated a small company of her own, a Japanese restaurant called EMIRI.

The place was built in a famous part of town and quite popular for its food quality and taste. Mimi would inspect it occasionally to consume meals and arrange business meetings.

Four years ago, Mimi hired her personal assistant Jean who would help Mimi on the sidelines with work and contracts and schedule meetings.

Jean was a twenty-four-year-old woman with jet black hair that was always tied into a tight bun and green eyes hidden beneath her dark blue glasses.

At first when the two had met, Jean was a beginner but serious worker who sought out a well fit assistance job.

Who would have thought the minute she was selected for an interview at Mimi's restaurant it was with a petite ten-year-old girl.

Jean felt conned but thought to stay to see where the situation would go. Even though she desperately wanted to leave.

Her initial encounter with Mimi was...well odd, the little girl would constantly ask her absurd unexpected questions, such as:

"Wow, your hair is so lovely what do you use?"

"Do you know any decent restaurants that have good desserts?"

"Do you think my chest will grow to as big as yours one day?"


The list when on and on, yet Jean replied to every question seriously with a grim face.

Mimi admired the woman's patience as she answered each question seriously no matter how stupid it was.

Despite being amusing to Mimi, she knew this woman was serious about what she did and found her the perfect fit.

Ten-year-old Mimi then hired her after asking her ridiculous question catching Jean off-guard.

The little girl passed her a set of instructions on her job including her payment inside and white envelope making the always serious Jean's eyes to widen.

"Is this a joke?" Jean decisively said after holding it in for so long. "I'm sorry, but I don't think I can take this job no matter how high the pay is. I came here being an assistant, not someone to bid for the needs of a small child. I apologize, but I can't accept this."

Sitting up straight Mimi's smile widens as she stares at the woman with joy taking no offense to her harsh words.

She was exactly what Mimi was looking for, someone serious sticking to their principles no matter the bribery of cash.

All the previous assistance Mimi interviewed accepted Mimi's ridiculous acts and accepted the job only for its high pay but at no time had they taken her seriously.

"You're right, why should you assist the needs of such an ignorant kid," Mimi says a light flashing in her eyes. "Hearing your words make me want to provide you with what you deserve. So let's no longer play these little games."

Reaching into her satchel Mimi takes out a tan folder passing it to the woman.

Hesitantly, Jean takes the folder from Mimi's small little hands and begins to read the contents inside.

As if it was déjà vu, just like how her brother acted, Jean also looks at Mimi with wide eyes questioning this girl's identity.

"My names Mimi, starting today I'm your boss and you're my assistant. That's all you need to know."

From that day forward, Jean worked for Mimi for the past four years assisting the genius child through her success.

She soon learned how capable and serious she genuinely was towards her job even when she attends just a young little girl.

Mimi was quite sufficient with her computer skills and soon started an online business site that would deliver products quickly and collaborate with other trading companies to help sell items.

Because she didn't want others to know any details on herself, Mimi used an unknown identity named Andras named after the sixty-third spirit.

Flourishing with a sharp sword in his hand, he can kill the master, the servant, and all the assistants.

He is the author of discords and ruler of thirty legions.

When Mimi proudly told the description of her chosen name to Alec and Jean, both looked at the little girl warily.

Does that place them her assistants who she can kill easily?

Both made mental note to never cross the wicked little girl.

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