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Hwitaek's eyes fluttered open to the sight of the empty spot next to him in his messy bed. He shivered as a breeze grazed along his bare back. Hwitaek frowned at the empty spot, Did he leave? Maybe it was too good to be true. The sound of clanking from the kitchen interrupted the boy's thoughts, leaving him confused. He slowly got of the bed, covered himself in a bath robe and crept to the kitchen to see the source of the sounds.

The smell of burning food hit Hwitaek's senses once he approached the kitchen. He was shocked when he saw the chaotic sight of his messy kitchen and Shinwon attempting to cook pancakes while butt naked.

"What are you, a nudist?!" The small boy ran to his closet and grabbed another robe and threw it over the nude giant. "My clothed were dirty from last night, so I cleaned them and now they're drying." Shinwon shrugged his shoulders as he continued to "cook".

Shinwon lifted the pan off of the stove top, then flicked the pan up quickly. Attempting to flip the pancake but ending up breaking the handle off the pan resulting in both the pan and burnt pancake on the floor. Hwitaek chuckled loudly "Let me cook.".

As the couple where eating the pancakes that Hwitaek made, Shinwon looked over the boxes that littered the apartment, "I guess the boxes mean it's a yes?". Hwitaek nodded slightly then took a bite. "Well then you might want to hurry and finish packing, our flight leaves at 8pm. I would stay and help you pack but I have to pack myself, I will pick you up at 6pm." Shinwon took the last bite of his pancake then enters the bed room to get dressed. As Shinwon heads out he hugs and kisses Hwitaek on the head. "Last night was great, babe. But your pancakes are better." Shinwon smirks then exits the apartment. Hwitaek then heads to the shower then continued to pack.


A full day has passed and the text would not leave Hyojong's mind. Why didn't Hwitaek tell him sooner? About LA, about his feelings for him. He was so close to confessing his feelings, but now so far.

Everytime he thought about Hwitaek leaving him, his heart ached. He so desperately wanted to tell him to stay and never leave, but it wasn't that simple. He wanted Hwitaek to be happy and it was clear that he was happy with Shinwon, and he didn't want to get in the way. He felt useless.

Hyojong went to check on some of his plants but frowned when he saw their condition. The flowers looked weak and practically lifeless. It must've been because of the negative aura that swamped the apartment. Then Hyojong turned around to see his yellow acacias thriving. They looked so beautiful and bright. It puzzled him as to why.

The daylight soon was starting to die and after hours of thought, Hyojong wanted to say goodbye to Hwitaek before he left. He knew he would regret it if he didn't say goodbye. Hyojing quickly grabbed his jacket and rushed to the apartment.

When the boy made it to the apartment, he rang the door bell, but only to hear no response. He pulled out his spare key and entered.

The apartment was bare with several boxes littered all around. Everything was packed in the boxes excluding the large pieces of furniture. As Hyojing walked around the dark apartment, he shivered. It was clear that the heat was turned off.

There was no sign of the blue haired boy. Hyojong quickly dialed his friend on his phone, "Hey Changgu, I have a question. What time does the flight to LA leave?". Changgu's voice could be heard from the phone's speaker, "8pm, why?". Hyojong looked at the clock, it read 7:15pm. "Crap, okay so i need a favor..."


Hyojong parked in the parking lot of the airport and rushed to a back door. "Thanks Changgu, now which gate?". Changgu pointed "Gate 4C, hurry they are about to board.". Hyojong nodded at the boy and started running in the direction.

Hyojong's mind was racing as much as his body was. He needed to see him, he needed to hug him, he needed to tell him goodbye, he needed to tell him? Did he want to tell him? Would that mess things up?

Once Hyojong caught sight of the thin boy waiting to be boarded at the gate, he started shouting for him. As he neared closer he sped up, about to shout again, but only for his words to be lodged back down his throat when he tripped on someone's suitcase. The boy fell hard, cradling his injured ankle. He looked up only to find the figure of Hwitaek's back walking away, boarding the plane. A tear fell down the grounded boy's cheek as his voice cracked as he whispered.

"I-I love you."

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