Chapter 1 - Coronation

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Lillith's POV

I stood in front of my mirror to find out what I wanted to wear to my Uncle Thor's coronation. Yep, you heard me. Thor, the God of Lightning, is my uncle, which means Loki, the God of Mischief, is my father.

My mother, Sigyn, and my father fell in love, and my mother became pregnant with me. My father proposed to my mother, but right after my mother gave birth to me, two weeks before their wedding, she died in my father's arms. We never knew the reason why, but I carried the guilt of killing with me all this time. She wanted my father to name me Lillith because she liked a flower called lily on Midgard. So, my name is Lillith Lokisdöttir, the goddess of Truth and Compassion. Ironic, right? I'm the opposite of my father. He thinks I'm just like my mother. I wouldn't know.

A frown furrowed onto my face as I thought of my face at the thought of my mother. Today was a joyous occasion, not a sad one. I sighed and snapped my fingers to change my outfit with magic I inherited from my father.

"Lillith, is everything alright?" my father asked me.

"Yes, Father, and you may enter." I answered in return. My father opened the door to my room. He was dressed in his green, black, and gold armor. I snapped my fingers again. "I'm almost done." My father pursed his lips together and snapped his fingers. He dressed me with my black hair down and had me in an emerald dress with a gold sash tied around my waist and gold sandals on my feet. "Done. Thanks, Father."

"You're welcome, darling." He walked up behind me and kissed the crown of my head. "You were thinking of your mother again, weren't you?"

"I couldn't help it. Force of habit, I guess. I just wish I had the chance to know her. Everybody says I'm just like her, but I wouldn't know." I truthfully answered him, disheartened.

"I know you feel that way, darling, but you didn't kill her. Some women die during child birth. It's natural." My father attempted to soothe me.

"But I did kill her, Father! Nobody could explain why her uterus was frozen afterwards! The healers and Grandfather both assumed it was my magic I inherited from you. I did this." I turned to look my father in the eyes. "I killed my own mother." I brokenly stated as tears began to stream down my face.

Father said nothing, but he pulled me into an embrace so that I could cry. And cry I did. I cried with all of the guilt and grief that I kept bottled up inside.

As I was done with my crying episode, a guard knocked on my door. "Thirty more minutes, Princess Lillith." he called through the door.

"Thank you." I called back. After I cleaned up my face with magic, my father and I walked to the entrance of the throne room. "I'll meet you inside, Father." Then, I saw Uncle Thor stride to us. "Good day, Uncle Thor. I assume you are doing well."

"Good day, my dear niece. I am doing quite well. Will you excuse me to have a moment with your father?" Uncle Thor asked me.

"Sure. I'll see you both inside." I hugged and said I love you to both of them. Even though I am a princess, I am under my father, so I wouldn't be standing by the throne. I ended up standing next to Sif and Volstagg. "Good day, Lady Sif and Volstagg."

"Good day, Princess Lillith." Sif responded. "How are you faring today?"

"I am doing well. How are you as well?" I asked in return.

"Faring well, Princess. My skills in training have increased." Sif informed me, smiling proudly.

"Very good, Lady Sif. I should watch you train one day when I'm not occupied with royal training." I told her as I laid my hand on her upper arm.

"I would like that, Princess." Sif smiled even more hugely.

"And, how are you, Volstagg?" I turned to ask him.

"I am doing well, Princess Lillith, though I am famished." Volstagg responded.

"You are always famished, Volstagg." I pointed out to him as I chuckled. "You could finish a platter of mutton and still be famished." Volstagg shrugged, and I laughed some more.

"I hear my favorite laugh." Fandral stated as he walked over to Sif, Volstagg, and I. "Old enough for me to court yet, Princess Lillith?"

I rolled my eyes. "Fandral, you know the courting rules. I must have reached the age of eighteen. My age is only seventeen. You must be patient enough for another year."

"Then, I call my first chance to court you." Fandral smirked at Volstagg.

"No, I call my first chance to court you, Princess Lillith!" Volstagg exclaimed in protest.

I glared at both Fandral and Volstagg. "I am not a prize to be won, nor do I belong to either of you. My hand has not been tied in an arranged marriage since birth. Father believes I should love someone that my heart chooses. I will let my heart choose my husband."

Neither of them could continue their competition because the royal horns sounded. Uncle Thor and Father walked down the middle to the throne where Grandfather and Grandmother stood. However, something did not feel right. I looked down to my hands to see them turning blue. Why am I turning blue?

"Frost Giants." I heard Grandfather say to the citizens of Asgard. My eyes widened as my hands and arms kept turning blue.

"Princess Lillith, are you alright?" Sif asked me.

"I feel not well. Excuse me." I responded, and with that, I ran from the throne room to my room. As I stared at my mirror, I saw my whole body had turned blue. My body froze in horror and shock. My eyes weren't hazel, but blood red. What am I? Am I a monster? Who am I?

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