Chapter 7 - Father's Alive?!

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I woke up in the morning with a smile on my face. Sun was shining through my blinds, making my room turn into a gold color. The smell of breakfast surged into my nostrils as I opened the door. I love his cooking as well as him. Steve has been teaching me how to cook, but the very few times I have, let's just say they didn't end well. He still hasn't given up on me just yet.

Today marked our sixth month anniversary. I'm just so happy! Arriving on Midgard, I never expected to fall in love with anybody. I was just expected to survive until my realm's war with Jötunheim was over. My heart won, however. It fell in love with Steve, and slowly, so did I. It was a blessing in disguise coming to Midgard.

Walking into the kitchen, I had the opportunity to admire my man cooking. He's so muscular and buff that is still amazes me that he says that he wasn't that way before. Maybe he was at one point, but right now, he's here with me, and he's mine.

Wrapping my arms around him from behind, I told him, "Good morning, dear."

"Good morning to you as well." he replied as he turned his head towards me. "Sleep well?"

"Yes, for the most part." I told him honestly. To be truthful, I have been on edge for the last few days. Something doesn't feel right, but I don't know what. "How about you?"

"I slept well." he answered. "Are you still on edge, Lily?"

"Yeah. It really is bugging me, Steve." I told him.

Turning off the stove and turned around in my arms just to embrace me, he said, "I know it is, but I told you everything is okay. If something does happen, I'll protect you to my dying breath. I promise."

Please don't say that. I'm not ready to say goodbye to you. "I know, honey. I know." I said.

"How about we eat breakfast, and then we can go to the gym so we can work out?" he suggested as I raised my eyebrow at him. "Or I could work out and you can watch?" I nodded as he led me over to the table.

We ate our breakfast before we headed down to the gym. Steve had seven bean-bag filled punching bags lined up for him to punch as I sat on the ropes of the ring. I just watched and admired his strength until when I noticed that he started to punch harder at the very end. Perhaps he is having a flashback before he was thawed of the ice. He doesn't even know I'm a Frost Giant, yet. I noticed Director Fury standing at the entrance as Steve punched the bag really hard and burst it open.

After he had put a new one up and threw a few punches, Director Fury asked, "Trouble sleeping?"

"Slept for seventy years, sir. I think I've had my fill." Steve answered as he threw a few more punches into the bag.

"Then, you should be out celebrating, seeing the world." Director Fury walked closer and noticed me sitting on the ring. "Hello, Princess Lillith. Long time, no see."

"Greetings, Director Fury. It truly has been a long time." I greeted back.

"Indeed, it has." he agreed before he turned his conversation back to Steve.

"I went under, and we were at war." Steve said, panting as he removed the boxing tape. "I wake up; they say we won. They didn't say that we lost."

"We made some mistakes along the way. Some very recently." Director Fury said with a manila folder in his hand.

Steve looked at the folder before he asked, "Here with a mission, sir?"

"I am."

"Trying to get me back in the world?"

"Trying to save it." Director Fury handed Steve the folder. Steve slowly took it.

"Hydra's secret weapon." Steve said. Who was Hydra?

"Stark fished that out of the ocean when he was looking for you. He thought what we think. The Tesseract could be the key to unlimited sustainable energy. That's something the world solely needs." Director Fury said as Steve looked over the folder. Jumping down from the ropes, I walked over to where they were and looked over Steve's shoulder. The Tesseract was a cube that contained a swirling blue mass of energy, but on the other pages were symbols I didn't recognize. I rubbed Steve's back as he looked over the folder.

Closing and giving the folder back to Director Fury, he asked, "Who took it from you?"

"He's called Loki." My hand rubbing Steve's back froze at his name. My father is alive? Father is alive? He's not dead after all. "He's not from around here. There's a lot that we'll have to bring you up to speed on if you're in. The world's gotten even stranger than you already know."

"At this point," Steve replied as he stood up, "I doubt anything would surprise me."

"Ten bucks says you're wrong." Director Fury bet. Steve walked over and grabbed his gym bag and a punching bag. "There's a debriefing packet waiting back at your apartment." Steve ignored him and kept walking. "Is there anything you can tell us about the Tesseract that we ought to know now?"

"Should've left it in the ocean." Steve said as he walked out of the gym. That just left me and Director Fury.

"Will you look over the debriefing packet for him when you get to your guys' apartment?" Director Fury asked me. I nodded in reply, too frozen to respond. "Princess Lillith, are you alright?" I shook my head no because I wasn't okay. "Do you want me to take you to your apartment?"

"If you wouldn't mind." I faintly answered.

Director Fury nodded and escorted me to his vehicle. Steve was nowhere in sight. I guess he walked home. I was still in a state of shock that I couldn't think straight. This has to be why I'm on edge. It only makes sense. The car ride to my place was quiet and short. He dropped me off at my place when we arrived. I said thank you before I walked inside.

After I entered theapartment, I saw Steve was still not home. Hopefullyhe walks back alright. True to Director Fury's word, there was a debriefingpacket sitting on my table. Opening and looking through it, I read what wasgoing on so I had a better understanding, but when a picture of Father showeditself, I broke down. He was alive and well, but he was causing another war. Iwish he could go back to the way he was when I was born. I wish he could go backto the sweet, gentle, humorous father he was when I was born. Father, where are you?!    

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