Chapter Seven

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My nerves are running wild. My hands are all jittery, and my heart is thumping loudly in my chest.

Today is the day for my ride with Blade. That is, if he was serious last night and is still coming to get me.

I hope so. I smile just thinking about seeing his handsome face again. Then my nerves hit again at the thought of being on the back of a bike that if I fall off, I will either be killed or maimed.

Blade seemed like such a gentleman last night when he walked me home and gave me a kiss on the cheek like Walter Zemekis had when I was thirteen and had my first date. But, Blade doesn't strike me as the Walter Zemekis type. He strikes me as the badass biker who fucks, and fucks hard; probably while smoking a cigarette and slapping your ass from behind.

I shutter at the very thought of Blade fucking me from behind in all his leather cut and hard muscle glory and have a flashback of the very vivid dream of him and I, I had last night.

Let's just say it involved a lot of screaming his name and multiple orgasms.

I slip into the black, patent leather Louboutin's and pull the leather jacket I went out and bought this morning from the bag, slipping it over my shoulders and pulling the tags off.

Hopefully, I'm not dressed inappropriately for riding. Everything is covered aside from the holes in my jeans, and my bare stomach will be covered once I zip up my new jacket.

Just as I'm putting the finishing touches on my makeup and braiding my hair back, my phone chimes with a new text message.

Blade: I'm outside, babe. Ready whenever you are ;)

My heart flutters in my chest. I can't help the giddy, schoolgirl feeling bubbling up inside of me.

Letha: Be down in a minute xx

Blade: Can't wait ;)

Yeah me neither.

I rush through finishing my hair and check my lipstick one more time before grabbing my purse and stowing my phone away and rushing to the door, exiting my apartment and locking the three separate locks.

Carefully, I walk down the narrow staircase to the ground floor and see the guy on the motorcycle from the night before talking with Blade.

Both of their heads snap up to look at me as I climb down.

My lips spread into a wide grin when I make eye contact with Blade.

He looks just as sexy in the daylight, if not more.

His shaggy golden brown hair shines in the bright sunlight, accentuating his tanned, tattooed skin.

Those dark wash jeans are hugging his legs in all the right places and I wonder what his ass looks like in them.

REMOVING 1 JANUARY 2025 Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now