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3rd P.O.V

Today was the day where all of the Matsuno Siblings will confess to each other or tell them they like/love them.

Osomatsu had told them yesterday before they went to sleep. He also said "If you don't have one. It's okay. No one's rushing you. But if someone does like you, you'll have go on a date with them by tomorrow. Deal with it."

Osomatsu, being the oldest, called everyone in the meeting room. They was going oldest to youngest.

Karamatsu didn't like how he was by his Ex and the oldest. He wanted to so bad to sit in between Ichimatsu and Jyushimatsu or Jyushimatsu and Todomatsu. But he couldn't.

Jyushimatsu didn't like the idea, but he went with it anyway.

Choromatsu was sad that he cheated on Karamatsu. Choromatsu kinda of had forgot that he and Osomatsu was dating. And after what Osomatsu had did to him? And made Karamatsu cry? Which the older brother hasn't done in a long time to Karamatsu. Choromatsu doesn't think he should be talking to Osomatsu and patch things up with Karamatsu.

The youngest sibling of them all, had looked at each of his older brothers. Especially Ichimatsu. Maybe once they go on a date, he'll have feelings for him. Todomatsu did a small smile at that.

Ichimatsu. He thought this was all he's fault. If he just had been nicer to his favorite brother, than none of this would've happened

Ichimatsu didn't know there was conflict with the older trio because he was in the younger trio. But even if he did know what's going on, it's not like it's his problem for them right?

"Alright. Before we start, I hope no one feelings gets hurt during this." The rest start mumbling under their breathe about how it was Osomatsu fault and he should just go and also threats.

"First we'll start with Todomatsu up to me!" Osomatsu exclaimed.

Todomatsu looked away. All eyes was on him. He wasn't enjoying the tension that he was receiving. "I...I like..." Todomatsu started.

"I like you Ichimatsu." Ichimatsu slightly blushed at what Todomatsu said. But Ichimatsu didn't say anything.

Jyushimatsu and Ichimatsu shake their heads as a sign of not liking anyone.

Choromatsu decided he wanted to make up with Karamatsu by saying, "I'M SORRY KARAMATSU! I LOVE YOU!" Osomatsu and Karamatsu was shocked.

Karamatsu then looked away,  "I'm not sure what to say..." He replied as for Choromatsu confession and him not liking any of his brothers.

Osomatsu pointed at Choromatsu. "You like Choromatsu-Nii San?" The one and only Todomatsu asked. Osomatsu nod his head for yes. Jyushimatsu was going to cry but he hold it in.

The purple hoodie decided to go and do his turn for pulling out the Futon with the youngest brother. Todomatsu got up and went into the room with him.

Meanwhile, with the other four, it was very awkward at the time. "So...." The oldest started started. "Jyushimatsu, why haven't you said you liked me? You don't love me anymore?" The oldest asked.

"I'm not sure. But you like Choromatsu-Nii San... So I didn't wanted to ruin your relationship with him..." Jyushimatsu said shocking the oldest trio. Ichimatsu and Todomatsu came back saying the futon was done.

As they was changing, Todomatsu couldn't help but to feel bad for Jyushimatsu at the moment. As they got in bed, Osomatsu looked at all his younger brothers.

We don't even see each other as brothers but more as lovers. I'm glad our parents aren't here to see this. They would've been disappointed in us...

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