3 weeks and 26 days

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it had been almost a month since Thanos wiped out half the population. But it had also been 2 weeks since he got his unofficial son, his wife-to-be, his new best friend, wanda, t'challa, peter (quill), sam, stephen and the rest of the Avengers and Guardians back (including Loki, Bucky and Vision (who had recieved his mind stone back in the battle against thanos) and all the civilians across the galaxy). Tony was the happiest he had been in a while. He almost had forgotten how this had felt. He slept well, and dreamt of the happy memories to come. When he woke up, he almost felt like he wanted to sleep forever, but as his body was not used to sleeping, he could not do such a thing. He relied less on coffee and found his general health was better.

Steve, being Captain America, decided to organise a get-together for all those who fought against Thanos, for saying thanks and to welcome those resurrected back to their lives (even though it was slightly late). He asked Tony to send a message out to the guardians, the rest of the avengers that weren't living with them at that moment in time, and a few other people, like Thor, Loki, Nebula etc. He felt as if it was his responsibility to make the 'party' fun, but as Steve hadn't been to a party, let alone hosted one, in years, so asked the youngest member of the avengers to help him, as he thought that Peter would know a thing or two about throwing parties.

Peter was in the lab with Tony when Steve called his name. "Peter! I need your help with something please!" Peter turned to Mr Stark in confusion, and Tony motioned his head to suggest that Peter should go and help him. Peter put down his work and ran upstairs to greet Steve. "Hey kid, I'm thinking of hosting this party with all the people who fought against Thanos, and I thought if anyone here had any experience with throwing a party, it would be you. So... do you mind helping me?" Peter nodded his head in agreement, but realised he had never thrown a large party before, as Peter never really enjoyed those sorts of things, and never had anyone to invite to them except Ned. Peter had been to other parties recently though, so that was a start. So him and Steve sat down at the glass tabletop in the kitchen and started to take notes.

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