Rain check

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*a week later*
Stoke POV

As I was getting ready, I put some clothes on witch is just a hoodie and some black jeans. nothing special really.I glance behind me and see Jahseh starring at me I give a small smile ... and he smiles back, he then walks towards me and grabs my hand.

Jahseh : lets hold hands.

Stoke : sure.

Jahseh : anyways where do you wanna head off to?

Stoke : um...well it is breakfast...why don't we go on our date for lunch...I could make something to eat.

Jahseh :you can cook?

Stoke : guess so and I really want someone to try my fo-

Jahseh then cuts me off kissing my lips. I kiss back He wanted to add tongue but I didnt allow him I then stop kissing him.

Stoke : I'm hungry.

Jahseh : So you ended our kiss for food how dare you?

Stoke : I love you.

Jahseh: mhm..whatever,love you too.

I then start making pancakes, bacon and eggs.
Like 15min later I finished making breakfast and call Jahseh.

Stoke : Jahseh!! I'm done with breakfast!!

Jahseh then walks out his room and comes to grab the plate in my hands.

Stoke : here, tell me what you think.

Jahseh : thanks and I will.

I start eating with Jahseh and I see that he seems to like it I give him a smile even tho he is only focused on the food he then finishes his food and then he tells me what he thinks about it.

Jahseh: it's good!

Stokeley: thank you.

I then stand up and grab his plate and put it in the sink and start walking to the couch, too watch some South Park Jahseh follows me to the couch and sits next to me.

Jahseh : What we watching?!?

Stoke : well...I thought I was watching this by myself and South Park.

Jahseh : who you giving an attitude to?

Stoke : you.

Jahseh : you'll regret saying that.

Jahseh lays me down on the couch And then he starts kissing me trying to add tongue again but I won't let him until he bites my lip a little and slips his tongue in, he travels everywhere around my mouth with his tongue I roll my eyes at this and he then starts kissing my neck as he is trying to find my weak spot I twitch my eye a little when he lands on my weak spot and he starts giving me a hickey I let out a small moan at his action I then feel him remove my pants and heading towards my boxers I grab his hand and he stops kissing my neck.

Jahseh : what's the problem?

Stoke : I wanna watch South Park... I'm not in the mood for sex.

Jahseh completely ignores my comment and starts taking off my boxer I allow him to take off my boxer I then give him a fake frown and he smiles and starts taking off his shirt and his pants he then slips his boxers down he turns me around and starts adding his fingers in my butthole.

Stokeley: Y-your a wh-ole b-bitch Jahseh.

I moan at this he didn't even warn me he then and then he adds his member in me and I let out a load moan he starts thrusting slow.

Jahseh: let's be together forever.

Stoke: always w-with your s-sweet talk.

He then starts thrusting faster  he hears my moans witch makes him enjoy this even more, he thrusted so many times I couldn't even keep track he starts giving my neck more hickeys as I moan. I then felt Jahseh lips on my dick as then he deep throats my dick I hear his gags I grab on his dreads, I moan a little as he keeps on sucking on my member, he then gives me a kiss he grabs my ass and I moan in his mouth he then stops and puts my boxer back up and my pants he then carries me to his room and lays me down. And he grabs my waist and pulls me into a cuddle and he falls asleep on me.

Yea I suck at writing smut .
To be continued

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