"It smells like burnt rubber and gasoline in here."

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Keith pulled up to the building with Pidge around his waist and parked in his usual spot. He got off and took off his helmet "we're here, you can get off Red now"

Katie nodded and carefully stepped off, she pulled the old helmet off her head and let her hair fall over her shoulders. "Where's my stick?"

Keith looked up from his helmet and untied the guidance stick from the side of the bike. "Here, now I work at an auto body shop so just stand close to me unless I say. Now just stay here and-"


"Let me finish"



"You realize you're talking so someone blind right."

Keith froze realizing the fact keeping her safe while he worked was gonna be a hassle "right. Well just stand here and I'll tell my coworkers that you'll be here with me for a while"

She nodded and leaned on the side of the shop as Keith walked inside.

"Hey guys um, someone will be joining us today"

A taller teen with short brown hair and a blue jumpsuit rolled out from underneath a sapphire blue sports car covered in oil. "Hey mullet! Did you hear about the car accident on Summerset Ave.?"

Another teen walked over in a yellow jumpsuit. He had black hair and dark skin. A bit chunkier than the other and Keith. "I heard it was the Holt family!"


"Yeah I think they died?"

"Um hello!?"

The two teens looked up at Keith who was a bit flustered. "Yes I heard about the crash, yes it was the Holt family, and No. They didn't all die. That's what I was going to say."

"Oh" the blue one replied. Keith shook his head and explained what has happened and the two engineers said it was alright for Katie to join them.

Keith walked back outside and offered Katie to hold his hand as the walked in, which she gratefully took.

Katie then had an idea to show Keith she didn't need her guider and went against her older brother's wishes of her constantly needing it. As soon as the two reached the doorway, she  tapped around looking innocent but soon whacked Keith in the stomach and paced around unaware of the two engineers watching Keith get hit in his only weak spot by a blind person. Snorting and giggling coming from them as Keith slowly recovered from the unexpected hit.

"Katie don't you need this?" He mumbled holding her 'stick'

"I just need a little break from it" she spoke and was startled by the  sudden unknown voice.

"So you're Katie? Wow, even if you can't see you are all I want to see~"

Keith rolled his eyes and held Katie by her shoulder "ignore him, that's just Lance. He tends to flirt with every girl who walks into this place"

"Which isn't very many" the other spoke making Pidge smile. He sounded very gentle for some odd reason.

"And that's Hunk, he has been here the longest so far. He's a great guy once you get to meet him"

Katie smiled and said hello to both holding Keith's hand so she wouldn't get into any trouble.

              For now at least~

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