how you meet

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*your POV*

My feet made a dull click against the marble floors as I daydreamed about anything and everything. I was brought back to reality as I was shoved to the floor, by none other than the infamous Sirius Black, he gave me a boyish grin before apologising for the mess he had caused.  Gracefully he lent down to pick up the books he had knocked out of my hands but looked back up once he heard the obnoxious cackle of his partner in crime, James Potter.

I could see the look of mischief that James' eyes held, it was as clear as day because of how it made his blue orbs glisten, I looked back down and resumed to collect the scatter of books as James began to speak once again "wow! Pads this has got to be a new record," Sirius and I both looked up at the Gryffindor boy in scepticism before he continued with a roll of his eyes" I mean you've only just met the girl and she's already falling for you and by the looks of it you've fallen to!"

Sirius' entire body shook with an echoing laugh as he stumbled to his feet like a newborn pup. His steps were shakey and jumbled and he started to chase after his friend, I was slightly irritated that he ran off before helping me clean up this mess but if I'm honest with myself it was nice to see him happy. Contently I stared at the empty corridor with a microscopic smile etched on my face as I listened to the choir of profanities bounce from wall to wall.

 Contently I stared at the empty corridor with a microscopic smile etched on my face as I listened to the choir of profanities bounce from wall to wall

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I fiddled with my sleeve as I was dragged through the suffocating mass of people, by my cousin Sirius Black, I stared at the majestic train in wonder, as it blew its horn alerting all of us to get on before we were left in the dust. I nodded towards my parent(s) respectfully before they were swallowed by the sea of sweaty bodies, I never got along with my family neither did Sirius, they were constantly talking badly about Muggle-borns and half-blood but I suppose that's where we never saw eye to eye. 

We pushed passed other students to try and find a carriage that wasn't so overly populated, Sirius kept a firm grip on my arm so he didn't lose me to the hoard of giddy eleven-year-olds and sleep-deprived teens.

Eventually, we found a carriage with only a few people inside first; was a girl with hair of fire and eyes that were filled to the brim with curiosity and passion, she seemed to have captured the attention of a boy with hair as wild as he seemed to be, his glasses invaded most of his face but it gave him a child-like complexion, there was another boy who sat awfully close to the firey girl he was lanky with stringy dark hair that not only held a mass amount of grease but also a mass amount of secrets.

Carefully I sat across from the final boy his face was littered with scars and bruises from what I could see but his face was hidden mostly by the book that he held in a tense grip. I glanced over at Siri to see if he could help me with interacting with people but I saw he was a bit busy introducing himself to the boy with glasses. I guess I was alone with this one.

Nervously I twitched as I pondered about what to say, people had never been my strong suit but then I noticed the book in his hands or more rather the title 'fantastic beasts and where to find them' I'd read it over summer and I couldn't put it down, hopefully, he likes it just as much as I did.

Right come on (y/n) time to make friends or at least an acquaintance "so, um is it a good book?" he seemed shocked that I was talking to him but none the less he smiled and replied by telling me it was his second time reading it his voice was smooth and shy but the excitement hidden away made me smile slightly.

well, let's see how this goes.

well, let's see how this goes

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(your getting sorted into your houses)

My face lit up with joy, as I first entered the great hall. The chatter of new and old students filled the enchanted castle other than that it was the shuffles of our feet across the ancient stone floor.

The room echoed with silence as the headmaster stood from his throne and strolled towards his pedestal. I continued to shuffle forward to try and see what was happening but soon my clumsy steps came to a pause when a pained "ow what the hell?!" Came from the boy in front of me. He spun around and stared at me with a confused expression, his head was slightly tilted which made the fluffy brown locks fall across his light blue/green orbs. He gives me an expecting look as he harshly muttered "hey! What did you do that for?"

The entire room froze as I tried to think of an answer that wouldn't get me yelled at,but my mind came up blank so I stuttered out the first thing that came to mind  "I-I'm s-s-sorry b-ut I couldn't s-ee, I r-really didn't mea-n to" the kids surrounding us turned to see what was happening but looked away in disinterest when they realised there wasn't anything wrong. His expressions changed once more now it was softer now more, relaxed.

He stepped aside and nodded to a spot in front of him. I must have given an odd look because he gives me a small grin and mumbled: "go on you said you couldn't see don't worry I'll survive." I gazed into his gleaming balls of light as I passed him, his whispered something about not know what the headmaster was going on about which I laughed at and replied with a sarcastic comment.

We talked for what seemed like an eternity, but alas we were dragged out of our conversation by the ricocheting sounds of names. Many names were called out before one of ours were, so we watched in anticipation as children were sorted into the many different houses. 

The name 'James Potter' was soon called out and my new friend struts up to the sorting hat with such confidence and ego I was surprised his head didn't explode. In the end, James was sorted into Gryffindor which wasn't very surprising, to say the least, and I was sorted into (y/h) which at first surprised me but now I've come to terms with my new family and friends.

I was sat quite far from James but somehow I managed to catch his wandering gaze, instantly a stupid smirk inched its way up his face until he was left with a Cheshire cat grin. We both waved obnoxiously towards each other before we became occupied with other things. 


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