boys in shining uniform

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The boys and I wandered through Hogsmead aimlessly just looking for something to do, both Remus and I had managed to persuade the rest of the lads to let us get some extra schoolbooks before we decided headed off to the three broomsticks. Sirius threw his arms around James making him stumble like a newly born deer on ice, our laughter filled the small cosy streets, passers-by give us odd looks as James wrestled with Sirius in futile attempted to be realised

"get off me you heavy bugger!" James squawked, the rest of us were suffocating from laughter the bubbly feeling attacking our ribs as the fuzzy-haired boy continued to struggle

"get off me your going to make my freaking ribs collapse," by this time I was leaning onto Remus so I didn't flop onto the snowy floor. Sirius stumbled back in a mocking manner I managed to catch something about him being as light as a feather and if anything James was the one being a cheeky git, but I wasn't able to process anything due to the fact that I was trying to keep a straight face but all that I was able to do was let out another echoing guffaw earning more concerned and irritated looks .

Through glassy eyes I watched James adjust his wonky glasses he smirked at me, an evil glint flashed through his eyes as he looked me from head to toe

"Oh! is that how we're doing this?" Before I could process anything my entire body was suddenly covered in soft white flakes of frozen water, I glanced up at my attacker and I saw James' glasses barely balancing on the edge of his nose, snow lightly dusted across his floofy hair, his nose was slightly pink due to the cold. All of a sudden I got a thought, an evil, cruel, brilliant thought and what he said next just made it a million times better

"so babeh you like what you see?" he winked at me trying to act cool but if I'm honest he just looked like he was having a mini-seizure, I give him a sly grin, I noticed Sirius, Peter and Remus all giving me looks of interest, everyone knew mine and james' relationship was merely platonic due to his obsestion with lily and if im honest it was kinda sad but cute neither the less, anyway it was time to take action. one two three...

James rolled off me in a panic while the rest of the boys howled with pure happiness as they reminisced the look on Potters face. The abused snow stuck itself to his face as if it was clinging to life

"ugh why would you throw the snow at my--you bloody wanker!" anyone else probably would have thought that Mr Potter was actually irked by my actions but this was basically just an everyday occurrence so it mustn't bother them too much if they're still my friends so I just continued to cackle in his face mocking him.

I locked eyes with Remus before James had the chance to attack once more, he gives me a look before announcing

"ok guys I reckon its time to actually enter the pub," he gives me a small smile before dragging Peter into the creeky pub. Sirius looked at both me and James before rather loudly telling both us and the rest of Britain

"right, I'm following the nerds because I'm freezing my tits off you to can both follow but (n/n) you might wanna drag prongs in before he catches hypothermia because he's spotted his precious 'lily flower' so this might take a while," without another word of help he ran into the pub trying to find moony and wormtail like a lost puppy in need of a mum. I looked over at prongs and saw him staring at Lily as her natural fiery hair flowed effortlessly, I rolled my eyes at his lovesick behaviour and proceeded to drag him into the three broomsticks despite his desperate pleas for me to leave him.

^time skip brought to you by dobby and his love for socks^

Sirius looked around the table and repeated our orders while pointing at each of us: butterbeer x2, firewhiskey, cherry syrup and some mulled mead. We all next pulled straws to see who would be the unlucky sod to get the drinks and the loser is, me- again, I swear on Sirius blacks ego this thing is rigged...

In a quick motion of weakness I looked back at the table and watched in envy as they all continued to sit in the comfy pub chairs laughing about something moony had said, I, unfortunately, managed to catch eyes with Pads and with my quick thinking I decided to flip him off and stick my tongue out at him but he just laughed and returned the gesture. As I finished ordering the drinks I felt an ominous presence stand next to me, making my stomach cringe and my throat to close up, I discreetly flicked my eyes over towards the stranger only to notice him staring at me with a very flirtatious look. I made eye awkward contact with the stranger before asking "u-um hi ca-can I help you," curse my stuttering, why couldn't I be one of those people who can talk to strangers with ease like come on god, couldn't you at least give me the skill to talk to people! Immediately he gives me this 'sexy' smile that most girls and guys would fall head over heels for but if I was being honest or blunt, as wormtail would call it, he just looked pervy. Vaguely I remember him mentioning his name as Ben but I was to busy trying to figure out where I knew him from.

The more Ben talked the more uncomfortable I became and just to let you imagine how bad it felt, just imagine someone coming up to you and licking your face then proceeds to hump your leg like a horny dog.

Before Ben could utter another foul pick-up-line, a muscled arm found its way around my shoulder as another slim arm slithered its way around my waist. I twisted my head around to see my four knights in shining uniform, or three considering Peter was just stood to the side, Remus tightened his arm around my waist as James growled at my new 'friend' i also didn't miss the fact that, Sirius didn't say anything but just continued to stare down the guy who had previously made me feel uncomfortable. James was the first one to speak the annoyance wasn't masked what so ever as he growled like the thunder during a raging storm

"Hello mate, can we help you?" I'm surprised that his jaw didn't break due to all the force that has been added as he gritted his teeth

" I mean you are bothering my friend here so you must need something?" Ben didn't understand the dangerous waters that he was entering everyone knows that if you piss the marauders or their friends then you can kiss you peaceful life goodbye because it will be over-run with pranks and tricks.

Bens cockiness and ego only seemed to grow as Remus' began to become red and heated in the face, Ben proceeded to be an arrogant prick not only towards me but towards my friends as well. after about five minutes of bens ranting I'm guessing Sirius was done with Bens meaningless monologue as he rather harshly pushed me and James away from the situation. Now Ben was into it staring into the eyes of the grim and that wasn't something many people could stand

"you listen to me, you arrogant wanker-"I would have told him to stop and leave it there if it wasn't for prongs and moony holding me back "-that 'fine piece of meat' that you're referring to is my friend and I suggest you back off before you stumble out of this bar in a worse state than you entered it in"I could tell Ben got the message because of the microscopic flash of dread that crossed his features.

My new friend glanced at me with a look of fear before turning his eyes towards his bare wrist and mentioning that he had to leave before he was late, for what though he didn't mention. The door to the pub slammed shut announcing that he'd left, I spun around in my chair so I could see all the boys proud faces "you know I could have handled that?" I put emphasis on the word 'I' to prove my point. Sirius laughed as I raised my eyebrows and placed my hand upon my waist but James had to ruin my sass and copy me.

I gazed at Remus and interrogated him jokingly "are you just gonna let this happen?" Like usual all I got was a tight smile and a false apology " I am very sorry I will protect you from dangerous stags, rabies filled dogs, stinky old rats and even violent wolves but there is not protecting you when it comes to the marauder, I'm sorry love." I rolled my eyes as he kissed my forehead lovingly and as the others laughed "gee my hero!"

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