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Merny = Minerva

Hermione: 3 years 5 months

Chapter 12

"I shouldn't have let you go," Dumbledore said as he rubbed his eyes under his glasses. "I trusted your judgment, Severus, when you said that there wouldn't be any causalities. Now look at what happened."

"No, you trusted my judgment in knowing Tobias wouldn't attack. I was right," Severus said as he took a drink from his Firewhiskey.

Dumbledore shook his head with a slight smile gracing his lips. "Tobias would have heard by know about one of his follower being captured. He won't be happy. The man that you handed in goes by the name of Ralph Adler. He has quite a history so the Ministry had no problem in believing your claim and sending him straight to Azkaban without taking it to court. Apparently, they have been trying to find him for quite a while now."

Severus hummed and nodded his head. "Tobias will know that Ralph dobbed on him. At first, the man seemed quite bitter and intimidating, but once the power in command switched, he was near peeing himself. He won't want all the blame to be on him and will tell the Ministry about what Tobias is planning to lessen the blow. Not that it will, though. Stupid twat." Severus glowered down at the glass in his hand and twirled the liquid around before taking another sip. He didn't even flinch as the alcohol burned down his throat. He was used to it from the many nights he stayed up and wasted himself in a drunken oblivion.

Dumbledore nodded his head. "I'll see you tomorrow then, you better get back to Miss Granger. Where is she by the way?"

"She's sleeping like a three-year-old," Severus dead-panned. "She won't wake up until the early bloody hours of the morning."

"Okay, then. She has another growth appointment with Poppy tomorrow, right?"

"Nope, that's the day after that. Hermione is absolutely jumping with untameable joy to consume another potion."

Dumbledore chuckles. "I thought Poppy changed the flavour?"

"Yes, she did, to a blueberry flavour. But because Hermione liked them so much, she ate them until she was sick of them." Severus drained what was left of his drink and put it back on Dumbledore's desk.

"Of course, she did," Dumbledore shook his head in amusement. "Would you like a lemon drop before you leave?"

"Oh, god, old man. When will you stop? You insult me when you say that. Do you not know me at all?" Severus groaned and covered his face with his hands.

"Is that a no?"

"Just give up."


Severus held Hermione's hand as they walked to Minerva's classroom. She had claimed that Severus was purposefully keeping Hermione from her and demanded to see her at least once this week. For what reason, Severus couldn't think of, but she was right. He merely did it for his own amusement when she got so frustrated.

Minerva's golden Gryffindor is being tainted by the old bat of the dungeons, is what the gossip mill is saying. Severus couldn't help but smirk and prove the theories right whenever he can when they were both out. He purposefully dressed her in black and annoyed Hermione until she had a matching scowl on her face whenever Minerva was in their presence. Her reaction is beyond anything Severus could hope for to brighten his day.

"Who are we seeing?" Hermione asked as she munched on her ham and cheese sandwich.

"We're seeing an old friend of mine," Severus replied and smirked as he emphasised the word old.

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