19|Bonus Chapter

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Hermione: 16 years

Set 4 days after rescue mission.

Severus glared at his book as Hermione muttered to herself and noisily scribbled down words on her parchment. He had thought a nice book in the evening in front of the fire in his favourite chair would better his mood from the insolent students he had to teach that day. But no, Hermione just had to catch up on her work right next to him. Talking to herself, rustling her pages, tapping her finger on the table, huffing out breaths... it was all distracting him from his much needed quiet time.

Hermione started tapping her foot.

"Would you be quiet for two seconds?! God woman, I don't even think Potter could make as much noise as you!" Severus finally shouted.

Hermione jumped from where she sat and scowled as her pages fell from the table at the sudden movement.

"Well, you try figuring out how to carefully take out the flower inside of a shrivelfig without killing it! Every book I have read about doesn't explain a thing! I've looked everywhere and there is nothing to be said!" Hermione growls as she angrily slammed her quill down.

Severus stared at her. "That is because every book you're looking at is related back to Herbology. You'll find a perfect explanation if you look in the potion section of the library."

Hermione smacked her hand against her forehead. "Of course! Why didn't I think of that, I must still have some of my younger self in me. I'm not even at my proper age yet and it's showing in my homework!"

"Oh no, I think you're perfectly fine. I believe you've always been like this." Severus stared innocently at his book, pretending to continue reading.

He knew this would anger her. She had a weak spot in people questioning her intelligence and just because she disrupted him from his quiet afternoon, he will merely return the favour in retaliation. And besides, seeing her angry led to – what he deems – as a healthy argument.

Hermione gasped. "You – you..."

Severus suppressed a grin, there's the fury. "If you can't form a proper sentence, don't even try to force words out of your mouth. As you can see, it doesn't work."

Hermione let out a half screaming grunting noise in frustration.

Severus chuckled slightly. "Oh, Hermy. When will you learn that the best source of acceptance is from yourself? If you accept that you are capable enough to do well with your life intellectually, then you will. This whole proving your intelligence to everyone you meet really isn't healthy, so stop your insane gibberish speech and get on with your work."

Hermione opened her mouth, closed it, and then opened it again.

Severus sighed. "Poppy sent you to my care to make sure there are no casualties in your age. I don't see anything wrong except for your lack of memory. And that shouldn't be unexpected since you have been reduced to a mere baby for an extended period of time," Severus looked up from his book for a second than peered back down at it. "And please do close your mouth, it's not a very pleasant sight, seeing the inside of your mouth. I can do without seeing it at the moment."

Hermione shut her mouth. "Do you have any books on the shrivelfig in your rooms here, Sev? I don't feel like walking all the way to the library."

Severus glared at the name but let it pass. He didn't think she'll stop with the name calling any time soon. He just hoped she'd refrain from using it in the presence of other people. "Don't feel like going to the library? Maybe the ageing did do a number on your mind, do you feel a little different from yourself?"

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