The Neighbors

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(There will be six POVS your POV, Jack's POV, Felix's POV, Mark's POV, Wade's POV, and Bob's POV) BTW ~= texting and *= thinking and "= talking and Y/N = your name

Your POV

You just finished unpacking your furniture and you were completely exhausted. You went into your room and sat down at your computer desk when you heard a knock on your door. You were really confused since the delivery man (Aaron) brought all your furniture to your new house anyways. As you were walking to the door you got the shit scared out of you by a man screaming "SCREW YOU BILLY!!!!" You fell and the person knocking on your door opened your door and ran to you on the floor and asked "Are you okay?!" You open your eyes to hear a voice from a familiar youtuber like yourself. When you opened your eyes you saw Markiplier (Mark) kneeling next to you and you were freaking out inside. *HOLY SHIT MARKIPLIER (Mark) IS IN IRELAND WHY WHEN HOW* You accidentally say your thoughts out loud "WHY ARE YOU HERE MARKIPLIER (Mark), IN IRELAND?!" Mark chuckled and didn't say anything but he helped you up and pulled out his phone and took a picture of you. You were so mad but then you hear Pewdiepie (Felix) and Bob, jump into your house and you scream and then faint.

Jack's POV

I heard a woman screaming next door then I heard my phone go off. *Stupid alarm!* Then my hair flew into my face because my window is open and I had to move it out of my face. Then I decided to turn off my alarm. But it turns out to be just Mark texting me twice and 4 Twitter notifications. I thought that I should check the text messages since there are two of them and when I looked at the first one: ~Hey Jack, look at this woman! Doesn't she look familiar? I don't know but she is sure damn cute!~ Classic Mark thinking that women look familiar. Then I looked at the next text ~(Picture of you)~ So I decided to text him back with ~Yeah she is cute!~

Mark's POV

I let out a long frustrated sigh, at Jack's response to my texts and I had to explain that he should check what me, Felix's, Wade's and Bob's texts we sent him on Twitter. ~Have you checked your Twitter notifications yet?~ It took Jack about one and a half hours just to respond wit a simple ~No~ I started not caring if Jack wouldn't respond to my texts ever again! So I decided to take a picture of 'Sleeping Beauty'.

Jack's POV

After probably making Mark at least a little mad he sent me a picture of the same girl. ~(Picture of you unconscious on your floor)~ I then sat there looking at the picture for about 5 minutes before Mark sent me another text. ~If you want to know what happened to 'Sleeping Beauty' look at your Twitter notifications.~ Mark literally scares me he can be nice at times but then you piss him off by not responding to his texts for over an hour. I looked at my Twitter to find out the woman actually became unconscious from fangirling  since Bob, Wade, Mark and Felix were in her house. Then I found out she's actually my next door neighbor.

Mark's POV

My phone went off and I saw the text from Jack, ~OMG, I'm Coming~ I laughed being the dirty-minded person I am, ~In who?~ Jack then slammed the door open and yelled, "MARK YOU'RE SO DEAD!" I just laughed and let him chase me around Y/N's house. He then said, "Fine you win!" Then I decided to help him with Y/N since I ship it! "Hey Jack!" He then looked at me in frustration, "What?" I decided to tell him Y/N's name and Youtube channel "Her name is Y/N and her Youtube channel is Y/Y/C/N!" Jack then looked at Y/N and grinned and looked at me with anger in his eyes. "You ever do that to her again and I W-I-L-L K-I-L-L Y-O-U!" I then smirked and was a smartass when I said, "Oh look Jack can actually spell!" Wade, Bob, and Felix were dying from laughing so much and that's when I heard a, "THAT'S IT MARK YOU ARE SO DEAD WHEN I CATCH YOU!" With that I yelled back saying, "IF YOU CAN CATCH ME!" And that's when he started chasing me around Y/N's house for 3 hours.

Your POV

I wake up to screaming in my house from Mark and Jack. Then I see Felix, Wade, and Bob look at me in surprise and I said, "Is there something on my face?" They all said no then I was super confused and asked, "Then why are you all looking at me like there was an accident or if I had something on my face?" Felix was the only one who answered my question "Well you fainted from fangirling to much and Mark made Jack come over and yadda, yadda, yadda now Jack and Mark are chasing each other around your house." *Wow* but the screaming doesn't bother me after I lived in LA for 4 years with my ex. Dumbass made me find out that he was cheating on me with my damn sister. Then I go into my kitchen so I can grab myself a cup of water. When I drank my water and started washing my cup I heard meowing. So I looked out of the kitchen window and saw a cat sitting outside of my window meowing for attention. I grabbed her then closed my window and felt that she was cold. I looked for a collar but I didn't see one on her. So I decided to go to my room so I can grab some of my blankets and wrap her in them. When I got into my room Mark was on my dresser and Jack was on my bed and they were screaming at each other. I decided to name my cat Belle from Beauty and the Beast since I have a yellow blanket and if I wrapped it around her she would look like Belle. After wrapping Belle up in the yellow blanket I tried getting the boys' attention by saying, "Can you two, crazy people get off my furniture please?" They didn't here me so I went into the kitchen and filled a large bucket with water and ice. Then I splashed Mark and Jack with the ice and water and they both yelled, "WHAT THE HELL?!" I then decided to walk in between then I go "AHEM!" as loud as I could and that finally got me their attention.

Thank you for reading this! This is my first story ever that is about the reader being shipped with my favorite youtuber. If you read all of this including what you're reading now you have read exactly 1163 words!

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