Going To The Beach

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(There will be six POVS your POV, Jack's POV, Felix's POV, Mark's POV, Wade's POV, and Bob's POV BTW
^= texting and *= thinking and "= talking and Y/N= your name f/s= favorite song and b/f/n= best friend's name that is a boy and f/g/h/m= favorite GMod horror map and e/c= eye color and h/l= hair length and h/c= hair color and f/y= favorite youtuber and f/c= favorite color)

Jack's POV
The ice water was so cold, I fell because Mark decided to push me. Y/n laughed as Mark fell off her bed, "Hey, It's not funny!" Mark whined, "You're right!" y/n said as she tried to hold in her laughter. Mark looked surprised as he asked, "R-really?" y/n said, "Yeah it's not funny! It's fucking hilarious!" y/n laughed uncontrollably as Mark pouted in the corner. Y/n walked over to Mark and pat his shoulder twice before throwing me and Mark towels. Felix walked in quietly and yelled, "BOO!" behind y/n, y/n jumped and yelled, "What in the fucking hell?!" Bob and Wade asked her, "Wanna go to the beach with us tomorrow?" y/n looked down and thought for a good 5 minutes before saying, "Since I have nothing better to do..." Wade smiled at her then me and asked, "Do you like heights?" Y/n smiled and said, "I love heights! (Sorry if you don't :P)" I looked at the time and noticed I needed to record a video.
Your POV
"Hey y/n?" Jack asked from behind me, I turned around and asked, "Yes, Jack?" Jack sighed, blushed and asked, "Do you wanna record with me in like 30 minutes?" I looked at Felix, Mark, Bob and Wade and asked, "Why don't we all record together?" Felix yelled, "YASSSSS!" I giggled as the guys went home and I called them all via Skype. "You guys ready?" Mark asked, we all nodded our heads and started recording. "Hello peeps! Y/n here and I'm with 5 goofballs! Which are Mark, Bob, Wade, Jack, and Felix!" Mark smiled at me before he did his intro I let the other 4 do their intros. I giggled as we sat in silence for about 2 minutes before I suggested that we should play some GMod horror maps. Mark looked at me and yelled "That's a great Idea!"
Mark's POV
I found so many GMod horror maps so I asked y/n, "Which one y/n FNAF or f/g/h/m?" I looked into her e/c eyes and then I watched her play with her h/l h/c hair. "Hmm........ how about the FNAF one?" Jack nodded his head and said, "Good choice!" y/n smiled, *Her smile is so pretty.....* I thought as I loaded up the game. Y/n's character is so cute, it was a little girl with a lollipop! "You're going to turn the power on y/n!" Felix yelled as he smiled menacingly she pouted and said in a cute kid voice, "But it's so scawy down thewe...." Jack awed as I glared at him, "Can someone go wiff me?" I jumped up and down in game as she smiled and yelled, "Thank you mawkimoo!" we started working.
Jack's POV
Mark and y/n went off to turn on the power and I am a little jealous of Mark. I was watching the left door when we all got a jumpscare from foxy and y/n fell from her chair from jumping. "Oww..... that weawwy huwt....." I put a paper over my face cam and ran to her house and helped her up. "Thank you Jack!" she yelled I waved and said, "It's okay!" I ran back to my house after I took the paper off of my face cam I saw Mark scowling at me. (A few minutes later) We stopped recording and I laid down in my bed for a while until I heard a knock on my door. When I opened the door y/n was standing there with a box in her right hand and a coffee mug in the other that was decorated with a lot of stuff I like. I let her in and she gave me the coffee mug which was full of coffee so I smiled at her and took a sip of it and it was delicious. She then gave me the box when I opened it there were 14 cookies that spelled out, 'Thank you Jack! ☺' (Smiley face and exclamation point are included) I ate the exclamation point one and it was a chocolate chip cookie! I hugged her and she hugged back we then talked for an hour before she had to go get ready for work.
Your POV
I went home and got ready for my shift at the neko maid cafe. I walked there since it was only 5 blocks away from my house. Once I got in I started taking peoples' orders and giving them their food once it was ready. I heard the bell above the door ring so I went and said what we're supposed to say, "Hi! My name is y/n how may I serve you today? ~Nya" I heard a deep voice say, "Y-y/n?" I looked up to see Mark, Jack, Felix, Bob and Wade there. "H-hi..." Mark and Jack stood there with red faces and they were both flustered. "Follow me to your table! ~Nya" I brought them to a 5 person table and gave them menus before my boss Robin yelled, "Y/n come on your favorite customers are here!" I sighed and walked away from the goofballs to where my 'favorite customers' sit every day. "What would you like?" the oldest one Henry said, "Man I'll have to tell your boss if you don't do the thing." I just death stared at them as I asked, "What would you like? ~Nya....." The youngest one Jerry said, "There's our favorite Neko maid!" they finally ordered so I walked over to our cook, rick and told them their orders. "Sorry but they usually leave a big tip which is the only reason we make you serve them." I sighed as I responded with, "Yeah, at least they don't bother Robin..." He smiled at me and said, "Yeah but just remember if they touch you or call you something tell me and I'll have them out of here in the flash of an eye." I smiled and said, "Thanks Rick!" I then went back to the goofballs and asked, "Do you guys know what you want to order yet? ~Nya" Jack wanted a coffee and a piece of cinnamon toast, Mark ordered a black coffee, Bob, Wade, and Felix ordered coffees. I went to our barista Tom and told him the coffees they ordered and went back to Rick to tell him that Jack wants cinnamon toast then, I got what Henry and Jerry ordered and went to give it to them. Jerry smirked as I approached their table, "Here you go.... ~Nya..." Henry started eating his food like a pig. I was about to walk away when Jerry grabbed my arm and said, "Oh don't leave now, KITTEN." I yanked my arm away from him and went to go tell Rick. When I got there Rick asked me, "Y/n what's wrong?" I sighed and said, "I gave Jerry and Henry what they ordered then I went to go here to wait until the cinnamon toast is ready when Jerry grabbed my arm and called me kitten..." Rick looked completely pissed so he yelled, "HE DID WHAT?!?!" I told him again and he said, "Take this I'll go tell Robin to look at the cameras so I can show him he did that to you." I smiled at him as I took the cinnamon toast from him and went back to Tom to grab the 5 coffees. "What happened?" Tom asked looking shocked and confused I sighed before I told him, "I served Jerry and Henry what they ordered when I tried to leave and Jerry grabbed my arm then called me kitten so I told Rick. Rick is now going to ask Robin to look at the video with him." Tom just laughed and said, "That's Rick for ya!" I laughed as I said, "Yeah!" he handed me the coffees and I went to go give the goofballs their coffees. I put their coffees in front of them as I said, "There you go! ~Nya!" I looked to see Jack and Mark making an angry expression to something or someone behind me. When I turned to look what was behind me my face just dropped to a frown. Jerry and Henry were there completely drunk and Jerry was trying to grab me by the waist when Jack pulled me back and him and Mark growled at them. I smiled at their kind gesture, as I fall onto the ground because someone punched me in my gut. I groaned in pain as I waited for my impact with the ground when it never came, when I looked up Mark had me in his arms and he asked me, "Are you okay y/n?" I smiled at him as I shook my head yes and I could swear I saw a tiny tint of pink in his cheeks. I got up thanks to Mark's help and I went to go get Rick, when I heard stomping from Robin's office to where I am. I looked up to see Rick, Robin, Jack, Mark, Bob, Wade, and Felix protecting me from Jerry and Henry. Robin said in a voice I've never heard before, "I've heard you've been harassing one of the best employees we have..." I smiled as Henry yelled, "Prove it!" Robin then grabbed the security camera tape put it in the DVD player we have for the 4 TVs we have. I watched as it showed Jerry grabbing my arm, Henry punching me and my friends and family protecting me from them. Tom then runs up behind them and grabs their shirt collars and yelled, "IF I EVER SEE YOU NEAR Y/N OR THIS CAFE AGAIN I WILL PUT YOU WHERE YOU BELONG MYSELF!" I smiled as Tom, Robin, and Rick threw them out of the cafe. Jack offered to drive me home so I accepted so I am now in his car with the smell of coffee and cookies in the car. (Next Day) I woke up when f/s came on so I started dancing around with Belle in my bedroom. I heard a knock on my front door so I put on my donut slippers and went to go see who it was. When I opened my door I saw Felix with a green bag with a J and a red bag with an M. I let him in and he said, "These are from Mark and Jack and do you have any coffee made or can you make any? I'm very tired and I really want something to wake me up!" I smiled as I grabbed the bags from him and said, "Yeah I was about to make some anyways so you can make yourself at home!" I set the bags on my bed as I changed into a pair of light blue skinny jeans and a shirt that says, 'Due to unfortunate circumstances I am awake' I heard Felix yell, "No these jeans are new! No get off! Y/n!" I went out there and laughed as I saw who he was yelling at. He was yelling at Belle because she was scratching his new pair of skinny jeans. I call Belle as I walked into the kitchen and start brewing coffee for Felix and I. Belle came running and when she got to the kitchen I grabbed her food and poured it into her food dish. When the coffee finished I did what Tom did to Felix's coffee and gave it to him and he gave me a weird look. (About an hour later) I looked around as I got bored of watching f/y's videos so I looked at the time and saw I only had an hour to get ready! I ran to my room and looked inside the bag from Jack first it was a Septic Sam bikini top then I looked in the bag from Mark it was a Tiny Box Tim bikini bottom so I put them on and grabbed loose f/c short shorts and grabbed a black loose t-shirt and put them on. I heard a car horn outside so I grabbed my towels and ran out the door into Felix's car. Jack was in the back with me as we were driving I took pictures of the scenery and posted them on Instagram. When we got to the beach I saw Mark, Bob and Wade standing there looking at Mark's phone so I grabbed my phone and started recording me sneaking up on them and yelling, "BOO!" they all jumped as I laughed hard. I took a picture of all of us and posted it on Instagram as I heard a voice I'd know anywhere. B/f/n picked me up as I yelled, "B/f/n put me down!" he laughed as he yelled, "Never!" I looked at where he was taking me and right when I looked up at him I was thrown into the water. I got out of the water and started chasing b/f/n around when Wade yelled, "Y/n?" I laughed as I said in the most weirdest voice ever, "Yes Wade? Oh the heart throb of Youtube?" He shoved me as he yelled, "Whoever gets to the top of the slide last owes the winner Starbucks!" my competitive side showed as I yelled, "You're on!"
Mark's POV
I watched as y/n and Wade ran up the tall waterslide I know that Jack likes her already but I also have a crush on her. Her e/c eyes are just mesmerizing you could get lost in them in seconds, her h/l h/c is so soft if you made it into a pillow anyone could sleep on it, and her personality is just perfect. "I win!" I hear y/n yell as I laugh Wade then pouts and yells, "Shut up Mark!" while y/n is going down the slide I look over to see b/f/n looking at me I took a step away from him and he smiled as y/n crashed into the water. (After 1 hour) It was time to go but y/n was asleep so I picked her up, put her in Felix's car and put the present I got for her on the seat beside her as I got into my car. Once I buckled Bob and Wade asked me, "Do you like y/n?" do I want to tell them? No, if I do will they have the chance of telling her? Yes.
Jack's POV
I was sitting next to y/n as her head landed ever so slightly on my shoulder, I smiled as I began to run my fingers through her h/l h/c hair. I loved the feeling of her being this close to me and my chin resting on her head as she was asleep. Some of her hair fell in front of her face so I pushed it away ever so lightly with my finger. We've been driving for about 30 minutes when we finally get to her house and as we pull up in front of her house Felix tells me, "I'm going to go home you have the responsibility of carrying in her and her present from Mark." I blushed bright red as I picked y/n up and the present then, I walked to her front door which was unlocked then, I walked into her bedroom and set her on her bed. Then I put the present from Mark right next to her and picked up Belle and put her next to y/n. I then walk home and lay on my bed screaming from being embarrassed by him.
Your POV
I woke up as something sat on my chest and something sharp was on my stomach, when I opened my eyes Belle was laying on me. I picked her up and put her on the couch as I changed into my favorite onesie and made some coffee for myself. I poured myself some coffee into my favorite mug and went into my room to watch more of f/y's videos when I saw a present on my bedside table that has red wrapping paper and a Markiplier exclusive pink moustache ribbon on top. I opened it and there was a teddy bear that has a sewed on pink moustache and a tiny box Tim stuffed animal. I called Mark and Jack at the same time they answered with, "Hello?" I laughed as I asked them, "Do you wanna go to the mall with me?" they agreed.
(Thanks for reading sorry it took so long! Also if you decide to actually read this you have read exactly 2890 words good job you!)

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