Road Trip Pt. 1

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(There will be six POVS your POV, Jack's POV, Felix's POV, Mark's POV, Wade's POV, and Bob's POV BTW
^= texting, *= thinking, "= talking, Y/N= your name, f/s= favorite song, b/f/n= best friend's name that is a boy, f/g/h/m= favorite GMod horror map, e/c= eye color, h/l= hair length and h/c= hair color, f/y= favorite youtuber, f/c= favorite color, n/n= nickname, f/g= favorite game, f/b= favorite band, a/n- aunt's name, f/a= favorite animal, f/co= favorite coffee, f/t= favorite tea, f/r= favorite restaurant, f/b/s= favorite book series, f/br= favorite breakfast, f/f/f/r/n= favorite fast food restaurant name, f/f/f/r/f= favorite fast food restaurant food, f/b/r/n= favorite breakfast restaraunt name, [= captions, f/s/a/n= favorite stuffed animal name, and f/m= favorite movie)
Jack's POV
After y/n hung up I walked over to my bead plopped down on it, grabbed my pillow then screamed into it. I was probably blushing bright red because of her talking to us, then I got a call from Mark. "Hello?" Mark sighed and said, "This might make her go insane but, do you wanna go if she says she can, to the mall all weekend?" I smile brightly as I hug the pillow closer to my body as I practically yell, "YES!!!" Mark hisses and said, "Ow!!" I hug the pillow closer as I mutter, "Sorry Mark..." Mark then laughs and says, "It's okay Jack... I'll ask y/n in a bit if she can go! Bye!" I smile and say, "Bye Mark!" Mark hangs up and I am left there on my bed sitting there doing nothing but smiling like a big goof. When I finally got up to do something productive I felt my stomach rumble since I am pretty hungry. I got to my door and realized I should probably start packing my bags for the trip this weekend. While I was packing my bags for the trip I was watching and listening to all of y/n's videos again. After I was done packing my bags I went out into my kitchen to grab a cookie y/n gave me. While I was grabbing a cookie I saw y/n washing dishes in her kitchen. I decided to wave at her and she waved back at me while I put my cookie in the microwave. I then grabbed my cookie and sat down in my living room and ate it while watching Mark's newest video. After I was done eating my cookie I heard a knock at my door so I decided that I would go see who it is. As I was opening the door Mark barges in, grabs my bag, and shoves me into his car after he locked my front door. I sat down in the passenger seat and Mark backed up in front of y/n's house and finally called her.
Your POV
I was watching f/y's newest video when I got a call from Mark so I decided to pause the video and answer. "Hi Markimoo!" I say as I pick up, I heard him chuckle as he responds with, "Hey n/n! So Jack and I had an idea...." I was at the edge of my mattress when he finally continued, "Would you like to join Jack and I on a weekend long mall trip?" I squealed as I yelled, "YESSS!!!!!" I heard Mark and Jack hiss and Jack said, "Y/n we are literally outside of your house... hurry up and pack so we can go already!" I hung up, grabbed a makeup bag, suitcase, backpack and my f/c purse. I then run around my room picking my outfit for the next three days. After grabbing my outfits I went into my bathroom and grabbed my makeup and hair essentials. I realized that Belle would have no one to watch over her while I went on this trip. I started looking through my contacts vigorously until I found a/n's contact, I decided I would ask a/n to watch Belle. I heard a yawn as she picked up and asked, "Hello....?" I smile nervously as I respond with, "Hey a/n..., I'm sorry if I woke you up...." She laughed as she said, "It's no problem dear, what do you need?" I start petting Belle as I ask, "Can you watch Belle this weekend....? I was invited to a weekend long mall trip by Mark and Jack... It's okay if you can't..! I under-" Her laughter interrupted me as she said, "Yes I can dear! What time are you leaving anyway?" I smile as I say, "We're leaving as soon as I'm packed, loaded and ready!" I end up holding Belle very close to me as a/n says, "I'll be over there in five minutes!" I jump up and down happily on my mattress as I yell, "THANK YOU A/N!!!" I hang up, grab my bags then go outside to see Jack and Mark laughing at me. I flip them off as I close and lock my front door then, I put my bags in the back of Mark's car and got in. As soon as I got buckled Mark took off to the hotel where he booked us all rooms. About an hour into the trip I started getting hungry so I pat Mark's shoulder and whine, "Mark I'm hungry!" He laughs and asks, "Jack are you hungry too?" Jack nods his head so Mark then pulls into f/f/f/r/n. I jump out and as soon as Jack and Mark got out of Mark's car I grabbed their arms and dragged them to the entrance. When we walked in I looked at the menu and remembered f/f/f/r/f so I point at the number on the menu and say, "That one!" Mark walks up to the employee and orders for him and I then, Jack walks up and orders what he wants. Mark paid then he grabbed his and Jack's cups and gave Jack his cup. When they said, "Number 80!" Mark grabbed the trays and sat down where me and Jack were seated. As soon as he handed me f/d I take it and chug half the thing in around two minutes. Mark and Jack looked at each other, shrugged then started drinking their drinks while they watched me eat f/f/f/r/f. When I finished I grabbed my phone and took a picture of Mark, Jack and I in front of the entrance of f/f/f/r/n. After editing the photo for thirty seconds I post it on Instagram and tag Mark and Jack. As we were going down the highway, f/s came on and Mark and Jack knew that it's my favorite song so, they turned f/s up louder. I started recording while singing f/s and Jack looked back at me with his phone recording me also. After f/s played, I started to get tired so I laid my head on the window next to me and slowly drifted off to sleep.
Jack's POV
I was going to take a picture of Mark, y/n and I when I started hearing soft snores from the back seat where y/n was. I looked at the seat y/n is in and I saw her fast asleep on the window while holding her phone with a picture of Belle on it. I looked at Mark and he whispered, "Jack we still have two more hours to drive..... So if you want to sleep you can.... Also just saying, if I feel tired I'm gonna tap your shoulder and you're going to drive there... Okay?" I nod my head as I watch the scenery pass by while thinking about what y/n would like the most. About another hour into the drive Mark tapped my shoulder because he was getting pretty tired from driving for three hours already. Mark pulls over so we can switch seats then, I start driving to the hotel. Every once and a while I look in the rearview mirror to check if y/n is asleep. After five minutes someone taps me on the shoulder so I look back and see y/n and ask her, "Yes?" She looks at me and asks, "Can we stop at a gas station because, I really need to use the restroom also, I'm very thirsty...." I tap Mark on the shoulder and ask, "Is it okay if we pull over for a quick pit stop?" Mark nods his head sleepily so, I pull into the nearest gas station. I realize that we probably need to put gas in the car so I step out of the driver's door and start putting gas into the car. After, I put gas into the car I walk in to see y/n at the cash register with three drinks and three snacks. I grab a portable charger for myself then, go over to the cashier and pay for the charger and the gas. As I walk out I see a f/c rose to my right so I pick it and bring it to y/n. When I gave y/n the f/c rose she hugged me and said, "Thank you!" I hugged her back by saying, "You're very welcome y/n!" Y/n then runs to her seat in Mark's car and grabs her bag from the gas station and hands me a drink and a snack. I smile at her as she goes over and gives Mark a drink and a snack and he smiles at her also. I walk over to Mark's car and got into the seat right behind Mark so I could sit next to y/n until we got to the hotel.
Your POV                                            When we got the hotel I was asleep so Jack put his hand on my shoulder and shook me until I finally woke up. When I woke up I looked outside at the hotel and my jaw went all the way to the floor of the car. It looked like a five star hotel so I looked at Mark in shock and asked, "How much did three rooms cost?!" He just laughed and said, "You don't need to know n/n!~" I pouted because if it was over $50 per room I would've paid him back. Once he pulled into the parking lot Jack quickly opened is door, stumbled and opened my door for me. I laughed and said, "Thank you Jackaboy!" he smiled down at me and said, "It was the right thing to do n/n!" I went to the back of Mark's car and grabbed my bags while Mark was getting our room keys. When Mark returned he gave me my room key then, he gave Jack his room key. After Mark grabbed his bags and Jack grabbed his bags we went into the hotel and went into an elevator. When we got to the 5th floor we got out, said good night to each other and went into our own rooms. When I got into my room I set my bags down on the desk and plopped into the bed absolutely exhausted. I smelled the sheet and grunted at the very subtle smell of cigarette smoke still lingering on the sheet. I looked at the time and went over to my bag full of clothes and grabbed my pajama set with a bunch of coffee cups on the pants with the shirt that says, 'I need a latte coffee' I laughed as I looked at the joke and put it on while I was looking at Instagram. I then grabbed one of the outfits I put in my bag for this week, went into the bathroom, set them on the counter and then I brushed my teeth. After I was done brushing my teeth I went back into the main room, plopped on the bed then fell fast asleep. When my alarm went off I got up from the bed, stretched and started making my way towards the bathroom. Once I got into the bathroom, I went over to the mirror, brushed my hair and got into the shower. As the warm water was hitting me I was slowly becoming more awake and started to have the craving for coffee. Once I was done I put on my outfit for the day which was a pair of black skinny jeans and a f/g white shirt. When I went out of the bathroom I grabbed my phone and f/c purse with my wallet, went out of my room and locked the door. I saw Jack and Mark tiredly talking to each other while leaning against the walls to their rooms. I walked up to them and said, "Good morning guys...." they both smiled and said 'good morning' back. When I looked at Jack's shirt I couldn't help but laugh at what kind of shirt it was. "Wait..., Jack is that a MINECRAFT SHIRT?!?!" he then looked embarrassed as he yelled, "Why yes it is n/n! Is there a problem with it?!" I started laughing my ass off when Jack started pouting playfully like a little 2 year old not getting what they want. When I stopped laughing, we went downstairs and then got back into Mark's car so that we could go get breakfast at f/b/r/n. When Mark turned on the radio 'I Don't Care' came on so I started dancing and singing along with it like a giant goofygoober. Jack pulled out his camera and started recording me while I was dancing and singing because I knew every single word to the song. Once we got to f/b/r/n I got out of Mark's car and started skipping towards the door since I was excited to get f/co or f/t and to get f/br. Jack and Mark were laughing as they slowly walked to the door so I starting whining, "Guys! Hurry Upppp!!! I'm hungryyyyy!!" I pouted when they started walking even slower so, I walked behind them and pushed them the rest of the way to the door. When we got inside Mark said the name of the reservation he made yesterday and then we go led to our seats. We waited for about five minutes before a waiter came over and asked, "Sorry for the wait, what would the two men like?" Mark and Jack looked at the menu and ordered what they wanted then, the waiter looked at me and asked, "What would the pretty lady like?" I looked at the menu and said, "I would like the f/b and f/co(or f/t) please!" The waiter nodded his head and went into the kitchen while Jack and Mark death glared at the waiter as he walked away.  We waited for a while before the waiter came back with Jack and Mark's coffees and my f/co(or f/t). While we drank our drinks we talked about good video ideas for this weekend since the hotel has wifi. Then I got an idea and said, "Why don't we all do a 20 minute montage of this weekend in our perspectives?" Jack and Mark both agreed with my video idea so after we finished eating we would start the montage with the first day at the mall. The waiter came back eventually red in the face and asked, "Can I have a picture with you y/n?" I smiled as I nodded my head and stood up so that the waiter's friend could take a picture of us. After the friend took a picture I sat back down and the waiter gave us the food. After we were done eating I tried paying but Mark insisted so I didn't even get to pay my share of the bill so I was a little upset. When we got outside I felt something in my pocket and when I pulled it out it said, 'Btw my name is Michael also here is my number: (507)-XXX-XXXX' I pulled out my phone and put the number in my contacts and named the number Michael so I wouldn't forget. When we all got inside of Mark's car, I pulled out my phone and began recording Jack and I singing along to High Hopes by Panic At The Disco!. After about an hour we arrived at the mall after Mark parked the car we got a security officer to take a picture of all 3 of us in front of the mall. I decided that Jack and Mark were taking way too long so I got a hold of both of their arms and dragged them into the mall. Right when I got inside the mall I saw Barnes & Noble in the distance so I walked very quickly towards it and went straight to the section where f/b/s was. I quickly grabbed the box for f/b/s and brought it to the counter where the cashier was looking at me wide-eyed. After the cashier scanned the box I quickly paid for it and brought it over to Jack and Mark while acting like a child who just got 3 candy bars. I was really excited so when I tried to talk I couldn't because I was talking way too fast. Jack and Mark were having such a hard time trying to find out what I was saying because, you could see it all over their faces. Mark grabbed my shoulders and asked me, "How would you respond if I told you that you get to pick what suits me and Jack need?" I smiled widly and answered with, "Where's the store?" Jack laughed and began walking towards the store so Mark and I followed him while laughing ourselves. When we got to the store I pushed Mark and Jack to the dressing rooms and made sure to remember their styles. Once I was done, I looked around at all of the suits when I saw a dark blue one I grabbed it and threw over my shoulder and then found a dark red one and threw that one over my other shoulder. I went back to where Jack and Mark were standing and threw Jack the dark blue suit and threw Mark the dark red suit that I picked out for him. Jack and Mark went into the dressing rooms with the suits to try them on so I went over to the bench and prepared to take pictures of both of them. Mark came out first and Jack was right behind them so I said, "Hold on, pose so that I can take a picture of both of you and post them on Instagram!" They both shrugged and did a pose of them standing next to each other with one of their arms on the other's shoulder. I took the picture and posted it on Instagram with the caption, [First day at the mall with these two goofs!]. The picture got posted so, Mark and Jack went back into the dressing rooms  to change into their normal clothes so that we could pay for the suits. While their were changing I looked out of the suit store and saw a store that caught my eye immediately with giant, cute stuffed animals. As soon as Jack and Mark got out of the dressing room, and paid for their suits I grabbed one of their arms and dragged them to the stuffed animal store. As soon as we walked into the store I saw a giant stuffed f/a with a f/c bow around it's neck that I grabbed and squeezed. Jack and Mark both looked at each other than me before they grabbed the f/a giant stuffed animal went over to the cashier and asked at the same time, "How much?" The cashier looked at the stuffed animal, scanned it and said, "That would be $13.99." Mark pulled out a $10 while Jack pulled out $4 so they paid for it then gave it nto me with smiles on their faces as I looked at the f/a giant stuffed animal. It was around 3:00 pm so we went to a f/f/f/r/n so that I could get f/f/f/r/f again and this time Jack and Mark ordered the same thing as me so we could all be the same. Mark drove us back to the hotel while Jack and I sang along to our favorite songs in the backseat while I held onto f/s/a/n and my box with f/b/s. Once we got back to the hotel I hugged Mark first then I hugged Jack before I went into my room, threw f/s/a/n on the bed, put the box with f/b/s on the bed, changed into my pajamas with dinosaurs all over them and then read the first book of f/b/s.
JACK'S POV                                          I went to my room smiling ear to ear while my face was completely red thanks to y/n hugging me before she went to her room. I plopped down onto my bed as I kept hugging one of the pillows close to my chest. I put my hand where my heart was and felt it beating quickly the feeling was so intoxinating it was crazy. I laid there on the bed looking out at the view of the city from the glass sliding door and smiled. I was excited to see y/n's reaction when she heard that a bunch of us youtubers are going to Disneyland and all of our tickets have our youtube channel names on the back. I felt a vibration from my pants pocket so I looked at the notification from y/n so I put in my password and looked at what she said. ^Jack~^ I smile as I respond with, ^Y/n~^ I smiled as it told me she was typing, ^I'm so bored~^ I began typing a response back when I got a call from her. "Jack!" I smile as I say, "What?" I could hear her plop onto the bed over the phone,"I'm so bored!!!!!" I lay on my bed myself and ask, "Well what can I do about it?" She made a hmmmm sound before she said, "Nevermind I'm going to bed night!" Then she hung up and I said, "Rude much..." to myself before I slowly drifted off to sleep myself.

Good job readers!!!!!!!!! If you've read to this point you have read around 3671 words which means you are very dedicated to reading this story!!!! I'll be working on the next part today and maybe the weekend it depends on my mood!!!! 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2020 ⏰

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