• f i r s t d a t e •

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He would take you out to a nice restaurant. When you arrive he would let you sit first and push your chair in. He told you to order anything you wanted. While waiting for your food he would tell you childhood stories and about his dreams. He had such a way with words that was so captivating. After you guys had dinner he would invite you on a walk where you guys would run across a flower street vendor.
"Roses right?" He asked you as you began to blush from his sweet gesture.

He would want to show you his cooking skills, so for your first date he would invite you to his apartment. When you arrive you will walk in to see Jin in a pink apron. The sight would make you laugh and you ask Jin if you could help with anything, seeing as he was doing a lot. He insisted you sit while he prepares the meal. Afterwards you both sit in the table which was decorated with a vase of roses.
"Wow this is amazing. I'm like in love with this chicken." You said as you take a bite.
"My face isn't the only thing people love." He would say chuckling at your reaction.

On the first date he invites you over to his apartment and when you arrive he walks you over to the balcony. At first you were confused then, you saw there were blankets and pillows laid out along with a stool which had a laptop on it playing your favorite movie.
"You did all of this?" You ask in awe.
"It's nothing really. I know _____ is your favorite movie and the pizza should be here soon, plus I thought the sunset was nice." He says as he gives you a smile. You couldn't help but give him a huge smile, this was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for you.

He would take you to a picnic in the park. He didn't want to do anything to extravagant because he wanted to get to know you well. He placed a blanket on the grass as you were on a hill in the park that overlooked a small pond. He put a basket down and began to take out numerous foods that filled the blanket.
"I wasn't sure what you liked, so I kind of brought a bit of everything." He said. You giggled and thanked him. During this time you realized that a smile never left your face. He was funny and just everything about him made you smile.
"I'm sorry. I realize I am probably smiling way too much." You say shyly.
"Don't be sorry, your smile is beautiful."

Jimin and you were childhood friends. You always felt really close with him and he did too. At some point you started to develop feelings for him without even realizing it. You confessed your feelings to him first, it took him by surprise but after realizing what you said he admitted that he felt the same way. He wanted to take you out on a proper date as a couple rather than best friends. Jimin had a reservation at a restaurant that you really wanted to go to. However when you arrived there, it was too late.
"Aish Jiminie-pabo the reservations were for an hour ago."
"I'm sorry I thought they said 8." He said putting his hand to the back of his neck. You lightly hit his chest while laughing. He took you back to his apartment and instead you guys stayed in and watched movies while eating takeout.
"I'm sorry. I really wanted to take you out somewhere nice."
"It's fine. I don't care about where we are as long as I'm with you."

"Y/n are you done yet." Taehyung asked as he waited for you in the living room. You and Tae were friends since high school, and although you never admitted it earlier you both had feelings for each other. You finally came out wearing a light blue romper with some sandals.
"Okay Tae I'm done." You say as you check everything is in your purse.
"Wow." He says which causes you to blush. He decides to take you to the carnival. You guys go on many rides and you both have so much fun laughing. He stops at the ring toss.
"Hey babe, I'm going to win that for you okay watch." He says as he pays for the toss. He misses the first one and ends up feeling a bit embarrassed. You assure him that it's okay but he insists on winning it for you. Eventually he did and you thanked him for his effort. Afterwards he buys you lots of snacks that you both share. You loved how it felt like you were hanging out with your best friend but he was also your boyfriend.

He would take you out to get ice cream one afternoon. You both ordered and you took out your wallet to pay but he grabs your wrist gently and he pays instead. You smile and thank him and he just returns a smile. You guys take a seat in the outside area of the shop. While you guys are eating your ice cream you guys talk about various topics. At one point you touch Jungkook's hand and he started to blush which you found cute. Afterwards he would walk you to your apartment complex. While you were walking there were a few instances where your hands would slightly touch. You smiled and shyly looked away. He would do the same. Right before you got home he took you by surprise by holding your hand and before leaving gave you a kiss on the cheek.
"We should do this again sometime." He said with a smile.

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