i see you

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The past days on set have been going by quickly. Darnell was with Zendaya today. He decided to come visit her in Atlanta while Zendaya's mother took care of Noon (Zendaya's dog) in LA.

Darnell considers Zendaya as a family member. Her whole family is his family. He sees her as his younger sister, his child, his granddaughter, whatever else there is in that category. Sure, he has not known Zendaya since she was little, but it feels like he has.

He remembers when she asked him to be his personal assistant in the first place. He was delighted, but also unsure what to expect from her, considering they hadn't known each other for too long at the time. Zendaya could have been secretly snobby and rude.

But she was the complete opposite of that.

And Darnell knew he made the best decision in his life to become her assistant, to become apart of her family.

He cared for her deeply, and she showed the same love back. They teased each other, confided in each other, laughed with each other.

Helped each other.

The night that Zendaya came home from her breakup with Trevor was the worst Darnell had ever seen her.

He had not been there to see their whole relationship grow, but what he had seen of it, they looked absolutely happy together. So just imagine Darnell's shock when Zendaya told the story of them breaking up in tears.

Darnell had never seen Zendaya so broken down before. He stayed up with her the whole night, hugging her and letting her rant about the whole situation. Darnell had never been in a relationship before, so the only thing he could tell her was that it would be okay and to move on when she was ready to.

Darnell was there when she threw out his clothes, deleted pics of him, and blocked his number. Zendaya said that she was over it, that she wasn't going to allow herself to be unhappy about it anymore, and Darnell was proud of her. He knew it was hard for her to let go of him, so he was happy that she did when she did because she has so much going on for her now, that she does not need his nasty ass in her life.

If only Trevor would get over her like she did with him (I mean like he was the one who cheated on her).

Darnell's phone kept blasting of notifications from social media about Trevor writing a song about Zendaya. He was in his car right now, looking through all the notifications wondering what the hell is actually happening. He really didn't want to, but Darnell decided to listen to the song and see what it was about. He went to Youtube, looked up the song, and pressed on the video.

Darnell listened carefully. So far, nothing had popped up that would indicate that song is about Zendaya.

Good. She didn't need that. The world did NOT need to know that Trevor and Zendaya had a relationship (even though her fans lowkey knew, but they made an effort to not have their relationship spread to the public that much).

As Darnell was about to end the video, something in the song shifted. He doesn't know what, but the middle of the song made him continue to keep listening.

And that's when everything went wrong.

It said that the person unfollowed him but was still lurking on his page. Zendaya did that for a while.

It said how the person had legs like Daisy Dukes. Zendaya has long legs just like her.

It said how they used to go to the gas station and get food. Zendaya and Trevor used to go to the gas station and get food, which is the gas station Darnell still goes to.

It said that the person's favorite flavor of ice cream was Häagen-Dazs coffee ice cream. Zendaya's favorite flavor of ice cream is Häagen-Dazs coffee ice cream.

And Darnell could've sworn he heard Trevor shout "Z" at one point somewhere in that part of the song.



Darnell stopped the music from playing and quickly got out of the car. Zendaya said Tom was going to leave the door open for him since he was close by, so Darnell hurriedly rushed in and shut the door behind him. He could make out two voices, recognizing one of them as Zendaya's voice, and went to where he could hear her.

As he got closer to the voices, he could hear Zendaya crying, which made him run.

Finally, he saw Zendaya and Tom Holland (obviously since it's his house) outside sitting on a beach chair next to the pool. Now that he thought about it, Darnell never actually properly met Tom. Zendaya talked about him at times, and from what he has heard, they have seem to already become pretty close. Darnell decided to wait a little and listen to their conversation, not wanting to rush in.

Tom had an arm wrapped around Zendaya, while her head was in her hands as she talked to him.

"Now, people are going to know that we definitely had something going on. The fans already speculated it, and now, it is confirmed, and they know it is."

Tom rubbed her back, giving her a sad look. "I know, Zendaya, I'm sorry."

Zendaya sat up and said, "I'm over him, and now he has to come up with this-"

"Are you really over him though?"

Zendaya stood up angrily looking at Tom.

"Of course, I'm over him!"

Tom stood up slowly as well and took a step backwards to give her some space.

"I'm sorry. I should not have said that", Tom apologized looking truly sorry for making her upset.

Zendaya wiped a tear away and smiled a little saying, "You're too nice, Tom."

Tom smiled a little, but quickly got rid of it once she saw her put her curls behind her ear in distress. She looked at him, with tears in her eyes once again.

"I... he was the one who cheated on me. Now, he is saying we should talk about it, like no, what is there to talk about? It's just like, you cheated, and now, you're gonna write a song about me saying we should talk when you're the one who basically said you didn't love me anymore. And I don't love him anymore. And he makes this song now... and I just want him to forget about us. We're through. I'm over him. I'm over this."

She walked up to Tom and put her head on his shoulder.

"And now, I'm going to have to deal with questions that people are going to ask. I could just deny it all, but they know it's about me. I just haven't felt so out of control in something like this before. I don't..."

Tom rubs her arms affectionately, understanding what she is trying to say.

"I know, Zendaya. I get it. I wish I could do more-"

With her forehead still against his shoulder, Zendaya laughed a little and shook her head saying, "You have already done enough. Thanks, Tom."

Then, Zendaya proceeded to give him a hug, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. Tom quickly replied to the contact, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist.

"Good", Darnell thought, "she's got someone else here for her."

Darnell walked back towards the kitchen to see what there is to eat. He and Zendaya will talk on their own time, when there aren't other people around. For now, he will let Zendaya confide in Tom, since he was doing a pretty good job in helping her out.

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