My Choice

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Stifled, smothered
The thoughts of others
About how I must feel
Being constantly covered  

Their concerned frowns
Or inquisitive stares
Their pitied looks
Follow me everywhere  

Yet I brush it off
Without a care
For it is something I deal with

I know they are curious
But they rarely dare
To ask how I feel
Is there a story I ought to share?  

But there is one
Though not a woeful tale
A tale that tells of my reasons
To not yet bail  

I cover myself  
From head to toe

Even in the scorching heat
With not a peek of flesh to show  

No, it is not a tradition 
Nor am I beaten or forced to do so
It is simply my choice
My loyalty towards Him to bestow  

I have my own views
Though most might not agree
To prove my virtue in this world
I want to dress modestly  

I want to save myself
From temptation and evil focus
To concentrate on the honorable
For to please Allah is a must  

Many won’t understand
What it is like to believe in something so strongly
To live in such a way in this modern world
Without challenging it defiantly  

But this is where they are wrong
For challenging is something I have done
I have questioned the ethics and science and reason
And researched ‘til I was simply stunned  

Shocked to find such accuracy
In the data stored in this ancient volume
But try as I might to fight against it
The truth began to dawn  

It might spark a controversial debate
My views on how to live life right
Each to his own in this intrinsic world
But I have found my cause to fight              

All Rights Reserved ©Azura Jaqueline Bellaire     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  

Writer's Note : I didn't mean to spark any controversy. I just wanted to write from a point of a veiw of a Muslim girl. I hope nobody takes anything personally and tries to see things from a different light. This is just to show perspective and no offense is meant.    

PS This poem is not about me.   

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