Becoming A Survivor

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My friends and some of my classmates hurried out of the room and into the dim hallway barley lighted by the flickering lights creating and earie feeling like in a horror movie. Blood was on the walls, hand prints and streaks of dried and fresh blood. I couldn't believe I was leading my class and that it was the zombie apocalypse. I guess the saying that people say that anything can happen, well they were right and now what seems like fiction is not fiction anymore, its reality.   

    We walked down the hallway with our senses at our highest waiting for an attack. We needed weapons if we were going to survive. I had seen and read many apocalypse books, so I knew that to survive you needed to kill the zombies which you need to have a weapon that can penetrate the brain. My teacher Mr. Fredrick had steak knives in one of his drawers for when he eats lunch. I looked at the lockers with dents and blood spattred all over it and bodies lying against them. We finally made it at the end of the hallway near Mr. Fredricks doorway. It was opened, I held up my hand to tell everyone to stop and to be silent. I paused and listened to see if anything stirred in there before I looked. I poked my head through the door way to see if anyone or anything was in there that I didn't hear.

    The room was desolate with papers and desks on their sides littering the ground. I motioned everyone in and began my quest towards the drawer where the knives were. I pulled the cold steel handle pulling out the drawer and seeing the silver wear. I grabbed all the knives and started handing them out. I kept one for myself, but every other person got a knife and had to buddy up due to the lack of enough knives for everyone.

    "Alright so buddy up and stay with that person at all costs. Be alert all the time. When those things or zombies come after you, you must stab them in the head penetrating the brain. It takes a lot of force to stab and pull back out so put your backs into it. If we get split up meet at the front entrance of the school. I have to go find some other people, who wants to come with me?" I said with a commanding voice as my friends raised their hands.

    "Ok, everyone split up!" I announced as the group as my friends and I walked back farther into the school. Some of us, like me, were going to search the school for their siblings and my other friends came with me because we were friends.

    "Alright so Raven, your sister, Savannah, is in the same class with Patrick at this time. So, if we look for Patrick and Savannah were bound to find both together with their friends. Julia, your brother's classroom is near me and Ravens siblings, so it would be like killing two birds with one stone and we might even find other kids." I told our group with anxiety in my voice hoping that everyone was ok and even alive, or I would rather them be dead instead of turning into the living dead.

    "I think we shouldn't just look for our siblings and our friends, we should look all over the school, so we can help everyone." Julia said with a spirited voice. I paused thinking of what the outcome would be if we looked for random people putting our lives in danger. We were walking on egg shells already without weapons to defend ourselves, so I decided we shouldn't, but I knew she would argue.

    "No." I said out blankly looking around trying to avoid her eyes.

    "What?! We must save them otherwise they'll die! I am going to go look but you don't have to come." I started to lose my patience, not just because of Julia but because of everything that has happened today I couldn't deal with it all at once. I took a deep breath and defended my case.

    "We are already venerable but if we go around the school showing all the undead that 'we are here, come and eat us!' then we will all get killed including the other kids. We can't afford to go on a suicide mission. This is life and death Julia, not some game where we all go around giving charity to everyone! If you even say that I don't have to come, and you'll go by yourself I will freak out on you because I have had it today! I don't have time to deal with this! Now we are wasting precious time where we could be looking for family and friends." Julia was caught off guard and didn't dare open her mouth again. Everyone stared at me like I was some alien.

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