Part 2

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Harry woke up in the morning with a pounding headache, a nauseous stomach, and sore muscles. Harry's limbs were entangled with Anna's, but he didn't dare move for fear of waking her up. He had been awake for a while mulling over the events of the night before. Everything had been great up until he blurted out his proposition on the roof.

This was his best friend he was talking about. Could he really bring himself to follow through on his suggestion? On one hand he felt like he would be using her for sex, but wouldn't she be using him for sex equally as much? It might change things. He knew that was a possibility. But they were so close it felt like nothing could shift that much in their relationship to really matter.

But her lips. Her lips made him want to take it all back. They tasted so delicious, they moved so nicely over his own. They made him want to tell her screw it and come clean about the thoughts he'd had about her for so long. They made him want to tell her the truth and ask her to stay in that bed with him forever. They made him want her body even more than he already did.

And her body. He craved her body. He finally let himself admit it. Harry had been ogling her when she needed help changing out of her clothes. Hell, he had been ogling her since the moment she stepped out of her bathroom in that amazing outfit. There were things about her body that he knew well, already. Like her soft tummy which was perfect for resting his head on after a long day. And gentle fingertips which she used to stroke up and down his arms while they cuddled for movie night. And her hair which he played with mindlessly as they talked about their days. But he wanted more. He wanted to know more. And if this was the only way he would be able to have it, he would have to learn to be ok with that.

And what he had said to her in the moment was true. He did want to help her. He wanted her to feel less nervous for her own sake but also because he knew how boys worked, he knew that the confidence she might gain would be helpful. And he wanted her to be safe in learning and trying new things. And he was the only one he truly trusted to do that for her.

Anna started to stir, and Harry shushed her lightly. With her eyes still closed she let out a small smile, nuzzling her face further into his neck. He wrapped his arm around her body, pulling her in close and adjusting so they could both be more comfortable. Their legs remained intertwined, and Harry found himself thinking about how nice her legs would feel fresh after a shower, the two of them with skin rubbing against skin. No barriers. His thigh between her legs. Her grinding up onto him, using him to get herself off. The look on her face when she got there. The way her eyes would look blown out with lust.

Harry visibly shook his head, trying to get the image out of his mind before his dick noticed what he was thinking about. She backed up and opened her eyes, giving him a questioning look.

"S'nothing, love," he lied.

"It's something."


A beat passed.

"D'yeh remember everything from last night?"

He was grinding his teeth but tried not to let on how anxious he was. What if she didn't remember? What if she did? Maybe she just thought the deal was a joke and the kiss was only icing on that cake. Or maybe she would laugh it off as a moment of drunken mishap. Or maybe. Maybe she wanted it too.

"Yeah, I remember. I think."

He hummed in response. Harry hoped Anna would bring up the conversation or the kiss, so he wouldn't have to. But it didn't look like that was going to happen.

"D'yeh remember. Before we came inside. What I said t'yeh?"

She took in a deep breath. His heart started beating faster. He willed it slow down; she was lying right next to his chest and could probably hear it. But his heart didn't listen, and it only sped up faster. The short moment between his question and her answer seemed to drag on for far too long, and he wondered what could possibly be running through her head.

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