Part 3

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Harry and Anna had settled into a pretty nice routine. Every Wednesday they would meet for dinner at the pizza parlor and share a drink before heading downstairs. Niall would have their drinks ready for them before they even got there – a Guinness for Harry and a Two Towns cider for Anna. They would sit at their regular table, right in the middle. And then they would giggle through all the other acts until the announcer brought Harry up to the stage.

The audience had grown since the first week of classes. The room was now almost always filled to the brim. The girls would cheer loudly for Harry. Not Anna, though. She would sit quietly. Sometimes she would close her eyes while he played. His voice and guitar always brought her back to a safe place and made her feel nice.

After his set, Harry and Anna would head over to one of their places – usually Anna's because Harry's frat house was not an ideal place to be. They would watch weird documentaries for a while before moving on to the fun part.

The second time, she wanted to perfect her skills he had already taught her. She also relaxed enough to trust Harry to return the favor. She wasn't sure what to expect that first time. But Harry went slow, always started slow. He stroked up and down her slit from the outside of her panties first, building her arousal and her wetness. She was still a bit nervous and didn't want to completely undress. Didn't want him to actually come face to face with her body. Instead, he pressed his hand underneath her panties. They were lying back on her bed, him with one hand down her pants and his mouth on her neck. Both of their hearts beating fast. He resisted the urge to kiss her, instead licking and nibbling just a bit behind her ear. When she finished, he licked his fingers.

That night, as Harry held her close and she drifted to sleep with a documentary about the JFK assassination in the background, he couldn't help but let himself daydream. He dreamt of what it would be like to do this for real. To kiss her deeply and swallow up all of her beautiful moans. To hold her hand around campus and give her a chaste kiss before heading to class. To have her run up into his arms after his set at the bar and give him a proper congratulations. To go home afterwards and truly get to love on her, on her entire body. He fell asleep thinking of those imaginary moments which would likely never come to fruition. Best friends.

The third time, she wants to try something new. They started out as they had the past two weeks, but when she was stroking his length, she leaned down just to kiss the tip. He flung his head back, moaning. She was such a tease.

"Can I...can I lick it?"

Harry gulped down the moan building in his throat. Of course she could lick it. Of Course. And so he taught her something new. He taught her to cover her teeth with her lips and to suck on her way down. He taught her to use her hand at the base and her mouth at the tip. He taught her that if anyone turned up their nose because she wanted to spit, then they weren't worth her time to begin with. That last bit didn't really matter though. She swallowed without question. Claimed spitting was quitting and let out the most gentle and innocent sounding giggle he had ever heard, his cum still on her lips.

He used his fingers on her again that night. And after she had finished, he got up and grabbed his camera. She was fully clothed but looked entirely fucked out, and Harry wanted to savor this moment forever. Her hair was spread on the pillow like a halo. Her eyes were squeezed shut. Her mouth was wide open as she tried to catch her breath. She didn't even hear the click of the camera the first few times he snapped a shot.

"You look beautiful, lovie. Want to remember you like this forever," he had told her when she was concerned about the pictures. He promised not to ever show them to anyone else. Except her. He showed them to her. And he couldn't help but notice the look on her face when she saw them. She seemed so happy with them, so proud of herself. It was easy for her to agree to let him keep them.

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