Part 5

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Harry stood, one hand on her cheek and one on her waist and looked down at her phone. She had dropped it when Harry surprised her with the kiss. On the screen, all lit up, he could see Jake's face.

"Don't answer it, please," he begged. Harry wasn't normally one to beg, but he needed to finish what he started. He needed to tell her how he felt. He needed to tell her that the whole time he was helping her out as a friend, he was actually falling for her. Hard.

"H," Anna sighed. She let her hand travel up to his cheek, holding him there for a moment. His eyes closed, and he breathed deeply, practically praying that she would let it go to voicemail. "I... he... I've got to answer it," she finally resigned.

Harry let his hands drop from her body and picked her phone up from the ground. He started to hand it to her, only to stop before letting go.

"Just... just promise me one thing. Don't make a decision yet, yea? Don't throw me away until tomorrow." His eyes were red around the edges and he was desperately trying not to let his lower lip start to wobble.

Anna nodded her head and Harry released the phone into her hand. She sighed as she answered the phone, turning around so she wouldn't have to face Harry while talking to Jake. She simply couldn't bear it.

He knew he couldn't sit there and listen to that conversation. He couldn't know word for word what she was going to say to Jake. How she was going to tell him that she chose him over Harry. He couldn't listen to his own demise so clearly, right after he had kissed her.

So he ran. He turned around and shut door hard, hearing Anna call his name from the other side of the door. But he didn't stop to plead with her. He had done everything he could ever do. All he had left was the knowledge that if she dropped him now, she would at least know how much she meant to him.

He wasn't very tired anymore when he got back home. He had all kinds of adrenaline coursing through his veins. He fiddled with his hands and his feet bounced as he tried to figure out what to do next. What is there to do after kissing your best friend? What was left for him? Not much. Not that he could see, anyway.

In the corner of the room rested his guitar. He quickly grabbed it, his favorite pick, and the sheet of paper on his desk which contained the start to a song which wasn't quite there yet. Wasn't quite finished. He looked over the lyrics about Anna and immediately knew that they weren't right. They weren't right before, and they were especially wrong now.

So while Anna was on the phone with Jake, Harry sat alone in his room writing a song about her that she might never even hear.

Days rolled by. Neither Harry nor Anna knew what to say to each other. Not after that kiss. Not after that moment they had shared, only for their perfect little bubble to be broken by Jake's phone call. Midterms were really gearing up, and each of them tried to convince themselves they were simply too busy to talk to one another. But that was a lie. They had plenty of time to think over what had happened.

For Harry, it was especially bad. The song he had written was catchy and he found himself humming it all day and night without any warning. It was stuck in his head from the moment he woke up in the morning until the moment he fell asleep at night. One day he called on in class and couldn't answer the question because he had been distracted by the new lyrics running around in his head.

It was around lunch time on Wednesday when one of them finally built up the nerve to initiate contact. Harry heard his phone buzz on the table and looked down to see her name lit up on the screen. She sent a message, and at first he was afraid to actually open it.

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