Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Fosters.

Jude's POV

Hey Connor, I say.

Hey Jude, he says, wassup?

Um, I was wondering if you wanted to come and stay the weekend over at my house this weekend? I say.

Okay, I'll ask my mom, says Connor.

*** After school in Connor's POV ***

Mom, please can I stay the weekend at Jude's house, I ask.

Fine, says Mrs. Stevens.

*** Jude's POV ***

Ring Ring goes the landline.

I answer, Hello, this is Jude Foster.

Hey it's Connor, my mom said I can stay.

Great, I say, so do you want to come over after school tomorrow?

Sure, Conner says

C ya tomorrow, I say.

C ya tomorrow and he hangs up.

Knock, Knock

Come in, I say.

It's Marianna, who was that on the phone?

Connor, he was calling to let me know he could stay the weekend here.

Oh, are y'all like a thing now.

i dont know if he likes me like that.

Well maybe you should tell him how you feel.

Kay I'll try that and have a nice trip this weekend.

We will.

*** Friday at school in Connor's POV ***

Hey Jude, I can't wait to see what we'll be doing this weekend.

I know, but also my entire family is leaving for the weekend so it will be just me and you for 2 days.


*** Lena's POV ***

I can't believe we are going to leave Jude and Connor alone for the entire weekend, I said.

It's going to be alright, we have already layed down the rules: No one is allowed inside but them, they are to call us or our neighbors if theyneed anything, said Stef.

Fine. i said ending the conversation.

*** On The Way Home From School, Jude's POV ***

So, Connor what do you want to do this weekend, I said.

I dont know, maybe this, he leans in and kisses me and i kiss back.

that could be occupying, i said.

we both laughed.

we got home just before everyone was about to leave.

Hey moms, i said.

Hi honey said Stef and Lena.

are yall about to leave? i asked

yes sweetie we are, said Lena.

Oh well bye have a safe flight, i said.

we left some phone numbers on the fridge in case you need to call someone. said Stef.

Yall have a fun weekend said lena, and bye love you.

love you too bye, i said as they pulled out of the drive way.

Thank you guys, I hoped you liked the first chapter. Send me suggestions of what Jude and Connor should do over the weekend.

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