01. 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸𝗳𝗮𝘀𝘁

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     FOR A MOMENT, THE WORLD WAS AT PEACE. The world was at a standstill, and there were no wars, no bombings, and no killings; it was peaceful. The people of Sokovia were able to enjoy the time they have left until they're back to cowering in fear, unsure of when the next bombing would occur or the next invasion. Living in a world of chaos and destruction, it felt like a normal situation that conflicts with the lives of Sokovians, but they somehow act as if their home was a safe haven. And for a moment, it really was. However, Sokovia is a dangerous place with a family to care for, a moment of peace grants the people one last moment to feel at ease. One family, in particular, knew how dangerous the world is, and no matter what, Oleg and Iryna Maximoff did whatever they could to provide much joy to their children's lives.

     Three little children whose innocence was blanketed by their parents and several sitcom shows, the Maximoffs continued to keep them hidden in the dark. Everything worked out fine for the past few years, and even after little Eszter was born, Oleg and Iryna managed to keep them all alive. Although they wouldn't necessarily consider the neighborhood safe--let alone anywhere--there are many thieves, and who knows what out there. Parents have that right to worry for their children, especially when they would rather go out and play than being stuck inside and watching random sitcoms--besides Wanda, of course.

     In the Maximoff household, there are three children-Pietro Maximoff, the oldest fraternal twin to Wanda Maximoff, and making Eszter Maximoff the baby of the bunch. Pietro has always been the funny one and always lightens the mood, although he does have the little jokes that he believes are hilarious. Wanda is the more mature one but occasionally can be just as childish when she feels the need; the girl loved watching her favorite shows with her family. Lastly, Eszter is the more wild-child of the trio, and the family feels like they've got their hands full with the little girl. The family of five was unexpectedly happy, considering the life they have to endure; however, their parents showed them that nothing in the world could ever go bad as long as they have each other. That the love they have will continue to grow into infinity and will forever grow because they'll always be there for each other and will fight for what they love.

     A cheerful giggle suddenly bursts from a small child as she ran around the small apartment. Her wavy hair was bouncing on the small of her back as it ran down to her waist, it was dark brown and slightly nappy, but Eszter refused to let Iryna brush her hair. It didn't take long before Eszter wept about her head hurting from each brush her mama had stroked, so the woman allowed her daughter to roam freely with tangled hair.

     Being the baby of the family, Eszter believed she could get away with anything because Mama and Papa loved her so much, they let Eszter do whatever she wanted. The little girl felt as if she held so much power, Mama and Papa practically bend to her will.

     Iryna liked to believe that Eszter is this bright little soul buried within the darkness of their life--her daughter is meant for greater things than being trapped in a place such as this. Her soul is beautiful and wild, and it was enough to capture the attention of others because they'd be so amazed, no one could look away.

     And the reason for Eszter's bubbly vocal of hysterical laughter was none other than Pietro.

     The boy in blue would let out a somewhat deep roar from the back of his throat as if he was mimicking what seems to be a monster of some sort, and Pietro would raise his hands and form claw-like fingers and bare his teeth. A snarl turned into a smile, but Pietro couldn't contain himself once he hears his little sister giggling away; it made him feel delightful that he could make Eszter laugh and distract her from reality. Pietro was thankful that Eszter is such an innocent child. He often envies her and Wanda. Eszter wouldn't be who she is now if it weren't for her siblings being there for her when she needed the comfort--Pietro would pat himself on the back as he likes to claim that it was all his doing.

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