Chris is a huge Irish

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Chris x reader

"NO, you listen up Chris"

Zach said, exaggerating Chris's name.

"I just think- I just think that the way you say 'car' is kinda weird"

Zach said with hand motions. And you, of course, were observing this exchange with a smile.

Back in the early 2000's you were a newgrounds animator, you just made poorly animated music videos, fan-animations, games ect.

You don't exactly remember how you got to know all these idiots. One message lead to another and now you're just sitting in an office with five dudes.

"Go Chris just go ahead and say car"

You blink a bit before realizing you spaced out during a portion of the conversation.

Chris says in a funny accent.
You giggle, mimicking a stupid anime girl.

Chris looks at you for a split second as if to see if his joke made you laugh.

"No you fricken retard! like your actual normal voice"

Zach exclaims.

"Fine whatever car"

Chris says a bit annoyed with Zach but not to point where he would slap him right then and there.

"YOU SEE?! You say it like 'cair' when its just 'car'"

Zach said, obviously referring to Chris's accent.

"That's because I'm freaking Irish, you dip"

Chris states.

You decide to add your two cents into the subject.

"Zach you do know there are other places in the world other than America right?"

"Well I'm sorry but I only accept purebreds into this country"

Zach states in a stereotypical redneck voice.

"Being purebred is not the same as being inbred, dumbass"

You said.

Chris nearly spat everywhere. He put his hand over his mouth and laughed hysterically.

"Dude Chris, are you ok?"

Cory asked patting Chris in the back as he was now choking on his own spit.

Chris coughed a few times and then took a deep breath finally answering with a serious


"Oh dude, you know what this reminded me of"

Mick joins in the conversation, talking about the time he meet a guy with a huge accent.

As much as you tried to get in vested into Mick's story you couldn't help but notice the way Chris's hair covered his eyes.

Not to the point were he looked like an emo but just like half of eye.

You start examining Chris. His eyes were such a beautiful grey hue.

You caught yourself staring directly at Chris. Zach noticed this and nudged you.

"Y/n I see given Chris the 'ol doe eyes"

You turned your head at Zach, a slight tone of panic and nervousness when you said

"What doe eyes? He just has something on him"

"Yeah, and me Cory are dating"

Chris giggled a bit. Cory then moved his mic a bit closer to him.

"Dude! That was supposed to be our little secret"

Everyone laughed at Cory's comment; including yourself.

After a good 30 minutes, Zach had ended the podcast and were just about ready to go when Chris approached you.

"Hey, Y/n"

Chris said trying to sound as cool as he possibly could.

You giggled, noting his failed attempt at being 'cool'.

"Whats up dude?"

You said turning your body to face Chris.

"Nothing I just wanna know if like your free- wait I mean, if you want to get something with me together?"

Chris stumbled on his words. Now a visable blush spreading throughout his cream colored skin.

You look at Chris with a smile on your face.

"Are you, Christan O'neill, asking me on date?"

You smirked as Chris's blush got visibly redder.

"Well, yeah basically"

Chris said, his eyes now taking sudden interest in your shoes.

You felt your own cheeks heat up. He was just that adorable.

Chris looked back up at you.

"So you still up for it?"

Chris asked.

"Hell yeah dude"

You replied, grabing your bag in the process.

Chris looked as giddy as a boy who just got a new console.

"Ok! Umm I'll get the car started"

You giggled quietly but not quite enough as Chris turned to you and asked.

"What's so funny missy"
He said in one of his infamous funny voices.

You let out a few more giggles before replying with


Chris rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Your such a kid"


This is so gross but you know what I fina don't care I'm just doing this for fun. Go ahead and give me VALID CRITICISM THAT I COULD USE TO IMPROVE AS A WRITER. Ok bye losers.

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