(AU) loser, lame-o, wannabe

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(Shy)Arin x reader [Highschool au]

Sorry I wrote Suzy so bad I love her so much she is my queen ok please forgive me

This happened everyday. someone would always leave these love letters in your locker.

"Hey dude"
Your friend waved

When your response was a sigh she knew something was up. She looked at down on the floor and noticed the abundance of paper hearts.

"That bad huh?"

You said, picking up all the papers

"Dude, who keeps leaving these?"
Your friend asks

"I have no idea, all I know is that everyday they leave a new note in my damn locker. As if I don't have enough papers in my locker"

You picked up the paper hearts and violently shoved them into your book bag.

"Who ever they are, they sure are obsessed with you"

You cringed

"Don't remind me please"

This wasn't an abnormal thing to happen to you. You do have a big reputation. And that I mean you are somewhat popular.

Yeah ever since you started talking to Suzy the whole school now seems to think your some big deal.

Your not to fond of this new found popularity but then again your not complaining. You get special privileges and people are always offering you help so its not all bad.

But since your popularity you've been getting these letters. You've never read any of them because you just assumed its just someone writing their sick fantasies so you never bothered to read them.

And yet...

Something in the back of your mind said to not throw them away.

"Hey b, I'm headed to 3rd period"

Thats right you still had one more period to go to.

"Ugh do I have to?"

"If you wanna keep your rep then yeah"

You groaned and grabbed the last things out of your locker.


You walk in to your 3th period, what you would consider your worst period.

The teacher would always pick on this guy. Like always pick on him. It was honestly unfair.

The poor guy would sit right in front of the class. If only you could do something but that would risk your grade.

The guy seemed pretty chill but since your like hella shy you never really thought of approaching him.

You sat in in middle between the back and the front, but your seat leaned more to the front so you had a pretty clear view of him.

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