Dealing with Dragons

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Bilbo's pov

I slowly crept down the stairs tourds the treasury. Each step felt as if I was walking into my own grave. Most likely do to the fact that at the end of this very stairway lives a fire breathing DRAGON!

After what seamed like eternity of walking I see the entry to the treasury. I inhale a deep breath that fills my entire chest with air. I was debating on retreating now, to just put on my ring and go, but I could not leave. I had made a promise to the dwarves and I intend to keep it.

Though how much I hated it I was going to face a fire breathing beast that could kill me in less then half a second. As I reached the last step I took in one more deep breath.

When my feet made contact with the gold covered flours I let out a long breath. The gold was cold and hard agents my bare feet. Every step I had taken had caused me to flinch in fear of the monster somewhere in the very room I was sneaking in.

When I stumbled across a pile of gold and jewels, it hit me what my purpose for dangling my life infrunt of a most likely hungry dragon. I had to find the cursid Arkenstone. I tried to be as quiet as possible as I sat on my knees and began to dig threw the pile for the blasted stone.

It had to be at least three hours until I made a stupid mistake. As I was climbing up a huge pile of gold when I had picked a golden cup and almost all the coins fell from the top of the pile. I had to bite my tong to keep from yelling out of surprise and fear. Then the nightmares I've been having since the being of the Journey came true, the dragon had awaken.

All I was able to see was an eye, but an eye was all I needed to be cowering in fear. The eye was as big as my entire body mabey bigger, the iris had a fiery colouring to it, the pupils was in a strange shape similar to a diamond. The entire eye was surouned buy crimson red scales.

As soon as I spotted the giant eye I threw myself behind one of the many pillars to hide form the beast. But as I turned my head I noticed that the dragon's head to what I assumed was tail surrounded me. The dragon slowly rose his head witch caused the sea of coins from his head to slid like mud on a hill in a rainstorm. I watched in awe as Smaug slowly rose from his den. I then tripped on my own two feet with nothing but the cold hard gold to catch me. As I laid on the ground a panic rose in my chest and I realised I was nothing more the a fish in a barrel and he an archar.

So as quickly as I could I put on the ring on my shaky finger and watched as the world lost it's color. As I slowly got on my feet it had appeared smaug had done the very same thing. I could do nothing but stair as he circle around me and began to speak. "Well Thief... I smell you. I hear you breath. I feel your air. Were are you?" Smaug said his voice was deep and gruff, and had a tone that you could tell even if he wasn't a dragon as he was you would still fear him because he was most certainly psychotic. Yet the voice sounded wise and educated witch in truth was one of the more scarier things about Smaug.

Each word he spoke would cause him to come three steps closer to me. Untill he yelled "were are you?" In my face witch caused me to run in full sprint in the opiate direction to another pillar to hide behind. Smaug followed close behind.

Then the dragon spoke once more. "Come now, don't be shy." You could hear in his voice that he was trying to act a bit kinder with a fake sweet voice.
Then his gruff one appeared once again. "Come into the light!" He demanded before he began to surround me once again. " there is something about you. Something you carry. Something made of gold. But far more precious."

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