fighting a Dragon

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Thorin's pov

After I had received my scolding from Balin, about how I was not acting like myself and how quite possibly I had led Bilbo to his death, I began to snap out of the gold Sicknes that has been consuming me scene we arrived to Lonely Mountain. As soon as the message had past my thick skull and reached my mind I was in frantic state. How could I not be! My one was going to be killed by a fire breathing monster, all because I wanted the cursive Arkenstone.

Before any one could react I had Orcrist in my sheath and I was flying towards the stairway. It was becoming more and more challenging wen I grew ever closer to the stairs because of the earth that shook beneath my feet. Witch caused every other step to become a shaky one that almost caused me to fall.

I was reaching the stairs when I saw a burning light that could only be dragon fire. My heart stoped as the thought of Bilbo being down there and...

Without caring for my own well being I started sprinting down the stairs. While I was flying down the steps. I was able to spot a mop of curly blond hair. When I got a little closer I was able to spot the blue and white robe he wore. I could hear his big fury feet dragging in the gold. Bilbo had a hand that seamed to be covered in something red.

When I saw the crimson red covering my hobbits hand I could not breath. 'please! Please don't let it be blood! Please!' I repeated over and over again in my head.

I ran down the steps towards him. Bilb looked up at me with nothing but pain in his eyes, and he began to opening his mouth. Then he stoped. There was small traces of blood coming from the right corner of his mouth. He began to cry out in pain. He collapsed and fell down a step or two. But luckily before Bilbo could fall down any more steps I scooped him up into my arms. I sat down gently and placed him on my lap.

"Hey your'll be fine." I whisper softly as I comb his hair with my fingers. Bilbo looked as if he was meeting death. Instead of his Usaly flowery smell that came off him it was metallic one, His usual bright blue eye were becoming glossy gray ones, his tan skin had turned into a much much paler shade. Then my eye's land on his chest. His hand had fallen off of his chest when he had fell. His chest was dripping in his own blood. It was horrible it looked as if a blade had ran right threw him.

I couldn't hold back the tears as he closed his eyes. I begin to beg. "I'- I'm sorry.. I'm so so very sorry! P-please please just say something! Anything please!!" I was barely able to choke out the words. I begin to cry as I put his head against my chest, and listen to his soft pained breaths.

"How pathetic." Laughed a voice much deeper and gruffer then any of the companies. I look up from the small fragile being who has only brought joy and luck to those around him who has the warmest of smile. Only to be greeted by a monster. He did not seem to change much scene the last me met.

"Smaug." I growled. I could see the smile grow across his face.

"What is this. Did the coward under the mountain love the barrel-rider?" Smaug chuckled as he began to Circle the stairway.

Bilbo was starting to Whimper do to the pain in his chest. I winced at the noise he had made. "Shh... you're okay. I got you. Shhh. You're alright now." I tried to comfort him. He was breathing hevey pained breaths. "I know. I know. I'm sorry. I'm going to take you to Oin and you going to get better, and go back to painting your flowers, and you can read all day too, and live in Erebor.... with me." I tell him the last part I mumbled. I know he can't hear me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2018 ⏰

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