Chapter 4: Remember me

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"I love you Tae Tae and I hope you love me too"
-----------------------------------------------------Taehyung's POV
I take Jungkook's hand and run off with him. God his hand is so soft and his handsome face. I just want to hold him tight and kiss him. I decided to take him home first and let him see some pictures on my phone of the memories we had together. "Hey Jungkook! I'm going to try and get your memories back." I said. "Oh cool, how will you do that?" He asked. "We'll look at some pictures of us when we were younger." I replied. I took his phone and started scrolling up to our past pictures. I came across a picture of us eating ice cream together. "Look Jungkook do you remember this? It was when we went to the park together when we were at Japan." I said. Jungkook looks at the picture and starts to smile. "Yeah....I think I do." He replied.
Flashback to Japan
"JUNGKOOKIE LETS GET ICE CREAM!" Tae screamed. "Okay~" I said. Literally Tae ran to the shop and started screaming like a child "OMO I WANT CHOCOLATE FLAVOR, HOW ABOUT YOU KOOKIE!?" I swear this boy was so cute. "Aigoo, um I'll take vanilla please." I said. After we paid we both went to the park to just hang out with each other and the head back to the hotel. "Jungkook, you're my best friend ever." He said, then he whispered something but I couldn't hear. "I wanna stay by your side forever and ever, I love you so much and nothing can change that fact."
Present day
Jungkook's POV
I tear up remembering our past memory and I remember how we used to be so close and how he left me for those years. Tears start rolling down my cheeks and Taehyung wipes them away for me. "Come on Jungkook there's another place that will give you back most of your memories." He said. Taehyung takes my hand and leads me to a park. We go up a hill and I see this beautiful cherry blossom tree. Slowly one by one all the memories I had here came back, happy and sad. I start to sob as Taehyung hugged me tight again and comforted me. He told me that he had a surprise for me. "Hey Jungkook, come here tomorrow at 12 pm, I have a surprise for you." He said. After that we invited the rest of the BTS members to the beach and we had lots of fun. After we went home and just watched a movie, of course since it was my turn to pick I picked iron man. "Aw seriously? Again?" Namjoon whined. "Yeah we watched this so many times!" Jimin said. "Okay but it was my turn to pick and I wanna watch this." I said. And that's what we did, watch iron man. After 40 minutes I felt something heavy on my left shoulder and I turn to see Taehyung sleeping peacefully on my shoulder. He was so adorable I just wanted to cuddle him and kiss him. After the movie was over I tried to move his head off of my shoulder and got up to go to my room but I felt his hand grab on to my wrist. "Kookie can you carry me up to my room?" He asked. What a lazy bum....well he's my lazy bum so..
Anyways I picked him up from the couch and carried him to his room and before I left he said "Kookie remember to meet me at the cherry blossom tree tomorrow, okay?" I really wonder what he's gonna do tomorrow. "Okay Tae. Goodnight!" I said.
*Next morning*
Taehyung POV
I wake up super early the next day and I put on my best outfit I can find and head to the cherry blossom tree. Along the way I bought some flowers and chocolate and I look at the time 8:30 okay I still have a lot of time, maybe I shouldn't have gotten up so early. After getting some food it was soon 11:30 and Kookie will be here in 30 minutes. I hide behind a tree and get ready to confess to Jungkook.
Jungkook's POV
I woke up at 10:45 this morning and I start to get ready to meet Taehyung at the cherry blossom tree but I don't know why. At 11:50 I start heading to the cherry blossom tree at the park. "Oh shoot, it's already 11:58!" I screamed. When I got up the hill I saw Taehyung dressed in a suit and was coming closer to me. My heart instantly beating faster, oh my god what is he planning on saying? "Jungkook, I've known you for a long time...and we've been best friends for a long time, I just want to say that when I left you for those years, that was the most I've ever been hurt. I was so stupid for not saying this before but...Jungkook I love you so much and I've always loved you since the day I met you, you're my first love so Jungkook, will you be my boyfriend?" Did Taehyung just confess to me? I was so happy that I started crying tears of joy to him. "Taehyung I would love to be your boyfriend! You were my first love too!" I replied. Taehyung was smiling so much and he pulled me closer to him and we both shared a passionate kiss under the cherry blossom tree while pedals are falling down. He then went behind the tree and took out some flowers and a box of chocolate for me. "Omo how adorable Tae Tae!!" I said. I kissed him on the cheek and hugged him tight. "Come on Jungkook, I have another surprise for you today." He said.

I will make this the best day ever, no matter what I will love you.
-----------------------------------------------------Authors note
Well guess who's sick today? That's right it's me, literally I've been writing this chapter for 2 hours since I had no idea what to write. I was supposed to sell tickets today but I didn't go to school ;-; so rip

 I was supposed to sell tickets today but I didn't go to school ;-; so rip

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