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Kill me soft and bury me sweet in the garden beneath the willow tree in the spring. When the flowers are in bloom and the whole world radiates happiness. Bury me where the sun shines in the morning and the shade falls on me during the day. Avoid the rain. I'd hate to have a gloomy funeral, and you owe me that much. I've put so much of my life into you. Into them. Into brining light and joy and comfort into your life, and theirs. I've dedicated my time, my energy, my love, my passion. My life has been all for the sake of others. So yes, bury me in the sun, so that even in death, I can live up to my name. Bury me in the sun so that, in death, I can finally find peace. So kill me soft, and I'll be free.

Hi friends.
I wrote this today during my APLanguage test and then tried to remember it so I could put it on here. It's kinda dark, but that's how I'm feeling so that's how it is.
Much love

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