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"when it rains, look for rainbows and when it's dark, look for stars.."

A smile curves your lips as you read the quote, "nice.." you mutter as you save it in your phone's notepad.

Well writing and searching for positivity is just what happens to be one of your favorite time pass ever since you've been through those heavy books of positive psychology back in college.

Studying away from home in Singapore was a bit of a hectic for you and so you had decided to come back home and find a good job there.. because home is where you wanna be at the moment..

The doorknob's click draws your attention back into reality as after only a few rings to the bell, you see the woman your eyes have been dreading to see since so long! Your mother..

"Eomma!!" You screech as soon as you see her and without wasting any moment you pull her into a tight hug as you did when you had parted ways a few years ago when you had to go I'm for higher studies away from her..

Nothing can be as discomforting as leaving the woman who bore the weight inside her for nine months to give you life! The same woman who supposedly sacrificed so many of her joys, needs, sleeps and pleasures just to provide you all the luxuries..

It's only a mother out of all people you meet out there who can give her best, provide her best to you..

and now here you are, embracing her to your dear life until she giggles and pushes a bit, "aigoo.... y/n-ah!" She cooes as she runs her hands onto your now wet cheeks, "you are finally here...." She whispers

Not wasting enough time she picks up the bags that you had dropped on the ground earlier as a consequence of utter haste to show your excitement upon seeing your mommy..

You huff as you snatch the bags away from her and get inside your house..

You smell in the aura of your house and turn upon your heels, laughing
"I so missed this eomma!" You both chuckle

"I know! But honey you better go get fresh since the dinner will get cold and I bet you don't want that.."

"Oh surely not eomma.." you pout cutely as you carry your heavy bags upstairs to your old room.

The room, not surprisingly, was all done perfectly.
Your mother must have cleaned it this morning in the anticipation of your arrival..

You smile at how considerate she could be of you..

You sigh as you throw the bags on the ground and plop on your bed as tiredness consumes you..

"Aish.... I so wanna sleep.." you yawn and stretch as you shift yourself towards the bedframe, not much caring that your mother must be busy in heating the food again for you two..
Well you weren't to blame at all, all the long flights and the delays had caused you this..

The comfort of resting yourself back on your comfy mattress was exceptional.. obviously the dorms where you stayed couldn't in the least provide you with that at all.

You still remember those bickering nights with the two other roommates you had to share your dorm room with! Man if they weren't a pain in the arse then what on earth was....

Thoughts over thoughts, just like any other night, overpower your mind before you slowly start drifting off to sleep when suddenly a tapping sound on the window located right beside your bed shoots your figure in a sitting position..

You look around, alert but find no one in the room lit with yellow dim-lights.

You frown your eyebrows and rubbish the sound to a mere hypnic jerk that you must have experienced in your less than '5 minutes' sleep..

Written In The Stars: (19+ j.jk ff) (Completed ✔)Where stories live. Discover now