Poisoned Hearts (A Merle Dixon Story)

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                                                                    Chapter 1   

“Motherfucker!” I spat at the flesh eater I had just killed by skewering my knife through his head. The bastard had tried biting me. Lucky I was very fast. Something that didn’t count in my previous line of work.

 My name is Erin Jackson by the way. Or as my clients knew me, Ecstasy Dream. If you hadn’t guessed my previous profession (if you could even call it that); was as a stripper in a club. Before you even start judging or call me a whore, just keep in mind that I never ever did it out of choice. I just didn’t have any other options or any others ideas to make fast easy money to pay off an old friend’s debt.

 It wasn’t an easy job but hell it paid well and that’s all I needed. It was the only life I knew –until the world ended. And the dead came back to life and started eating the living. Now I was out of a job and I now had a choice. Survive or die. So I chose the former. Survive. Live. Keep hope alive. I’d always been good with a knife or something sharp with which to defend myself. Since sometimes in my jobs, I’d always get unsuitably propositioned by some disgusting perverted man.

 So now I was out here. Wandering the woods of Georgia and living day by day. I kept myself fed by catching what rabbits or deer or squirrel I could. Hooking fish. Picking berries when they were available. I’d had to learn to hunt when the world ended. Couldn’t depend on canned food where I couldn’t get it. I’d had a couple of misses and gone hungry some days but I soon learned. Practice made perfect as the saying went.

 I’ve always been a pretty self-reliant gal. Never relied on anyone. Couldn’t anyway. I didn’t trust people now. Why? They’re only gonna leave ya with a debt the size of Texas and broken trust and a heart that feels like a damn toothache. So it’s always been me. I prefer it that way. The only person I’m gonna get killed is myself when all is said and done.

 I looked around the woods. Seemed pretty clear. I stepped away from the dead walker and carried on walking. The hot sun beat down on my neck. I was used to the heat. And I loved the sun since it left me with a kickass tan if I stayed in it long enough. One thing I missed was lying down on the grass and letting the sun tan my body. It made me feel sexier and I’d have no trouble attracting clients.

 Don’t think I was proud of what I did. I wasn’t. It just kept me fed and housed and kept the wolves from the door. The only thing that interested me about that job was the money that the punters would give me for putting on a good show. And I always focused on the money. It kept me alive.

 I stopped to take a drink of water and looked around for some game. And that’s when I saw it. A big beautiful doe that no doubt would keep me fed for a few days if I rationed it right. I kept my eyes on it and slowly drew my knife and aimed it at the deer’s leg. I hated harming an animal but hell, I had to eat right?

 Before I had a chance to walk to the doe, it looked at me and suddenly ran off, spooked. Damn. Guess I’d have to do with a squirrel for today. I heard a rustling noise behind me and then deep growls. I spun around and saw a group of ten flesh eaters heading towards me.

 Shit. I needed to get out and fast. I ran quickly in the direction of a cluster of trees. If I could hide up in one of them for a while, I’d be safe. I had just reached the base of the tree, however, when I heard gunshots coming from behind me. I turned around and the first thing I saw was the dead bodies of the flesh eaters in front of me. I gaped in shock and looked past them.

 I saw a group of men standing by a jeep, two of them with guns still drawn. “Easy, sugartits. We ain’t gonna hurt yer.” One man said. He was bald and had a rugged look about him. I stared at him. Did he just call me suagrtits?

 “Come closer.” The man next to him ordered me. I gulped and summoned up my courage to walk towards them. But my fear mounted with each step I took. I didn’t trust these men. They were capable of doing anything to me. Rob me. Rape me. Kill me. But I couldn’t show them I was afraid. I had to be brave,

 I approached them wearily. “Hey, sugar. Damn, you’re even more gorgeous up close.” The bald man leered. I noticed that he had clear blue eyes that were strangely nice to look at. Shaking my head of that thought, I kept my eyes trained on the groud.

 “Merle.” The other man said, in a rebuking tone. “I’m sorry. Merle doesn’t keep his thoughts to himself. What’s your name?”

 My mouth was suddenly dry. I swallowed. “Erin Jackson.” I replied, now moving my eyes to focus on the man. He was slightly handsome. Short brown hair and blue eyes.  He showed confidence in his speech and he exuded charm.

 “Pleasure to meet you, Erin. I’m The Governor and this here is Merle Dixon. And my men, Martinez and Shrumpet. Like Merle said, we’re not gonna hurt you. I promise.

We just want to know where your camp is.” He said.

 "I don’t have a camp or a base. I stay here.” I replied, gesturing to the woods. I couldn’t risk staying in some building. I may never get out alive again.

 “I’m sorry to hear that.” He said, sincerely. “We have a base. It’s safe. Food, comfort, water, security. More guns against walkers than you have, I’d bet. Will you join us?”

 I bit my lip and looked directly at them, thinking it over. I had nothing to loose, expect my life, weapons and dignity. I didn’t trust easily like I said. But on the other hand, what other options did I have? Was this really living? Running from danger every day? Having to put up with not washing or styling my hair? Starving if I didn’t get a successful hunt?

 Being lonely for the rest of my days?

 I made a decision right there. I was going to live, not just survive. If this was surviving anyway. I needed a chance to become better. To integrate more with other humans. But would they really give me that chance?

 I put all my cards on the table then and nodded. “I will. Thank you.” I said.

 The Governor smiled. “Great. Merle will take you to our base.” He told me and nodded to the bald man.

 He nodded back and approached me. “Don’t worry, sugar. Everythin’s gonna be alright.” He said. He went behind me and panic began to overwhelm me and I grabbed for my knife. But I wasn’t fast enough as I felt the cold steel of a gun hit my head. The last thing I saw was The Governor’s smiling face before my world fell in to darkness.

Ok guys. So this is my FIRST ever Merle story. I don't know why but Merle is just gorge and so is Michael Rooker. Love me some Rooker lol. I hope u all like this and feel free to comment and vote.

I won't be following the show since it limits my writing and I've done it already. But don't worry. There will be PLENTY of conflict and walkers for you guys!

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